On Hu Shi's Defense of Robert Browning
Huibin HE
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3969/j.issn.1004-2237.2017.02.008
Abstract:Among the five English articles on foreign literature of Hu Shi, the most important two deal with Robert Browning, which have not caught the attention of the Chinese academic circles yet;after close analysis, Hu Shi tries to defend Browning's optimism, by criticizing the Moralistic Pessimism, the Intellectual Pessimism, the Hedonistic Pessimism, and by exalting the worth of man, his ability of self-perfection, and his immortal worth of personality, with some discussion of Browning's philosophy of love;he tries to use the optimistic Confucian spirit of struggling in his essays with Chinese perspectives, which are highly appraised by the American scholars.