High-Resolution Spectroscopic Study of the ( 310 ) Local Mode Combination Band System of AsH 3
Hai Lin,Oleg N. Ulenikov,Sergi Yurchinko,Xiao-gang Wang,Qing-shi Zhu
Abstract:The rotational energy level structure of the vibrational– AsH3 with a stated purity of 99.99% was purchased from rotational spectra of small symmetric molecules has been the Nanjing Special Gas Company. The high-resolution the subject of great interest in recent years due to its unusual spectrum was recorded at room temperature on a Bruker IFS features near the local mode limit. As good examples for 120 HR Fourier transform spectrometer, which was equipped the exploration of local mode behavior of symmetric top with a CaF2 beamsplitter, an InSb detector, and a tungsten molecules, the pyramid-type molecules X H3 (X Å N, P, As, halogen source. A White-type multipass cell with a 105-m Sb) have been extensively studied. Coy and Lehmann studeffective path length was used. Because of the wide range ied the fiveand six-quanta overtone of NH3 (1) . The spectra of the spectra to be measured, no optical filter was used but were found to be complicated owing to the coupling between electronic filters were employed. The sample pressure was stretching and bending vibrational modes. Fermi resonance 13 Torr. The unapodized resolution is 0.01 cm . (The estiis also discussed for PH3 (2) . However, AsH3 and SbH3 are mated Doppler width of AsH3 at room temperature is 0.01 the better molecules to study not only because they are closer cm near 8000 cm .) Ninety separate spectra were obto the local mode limit but also because their bending fundatained, each resulting from 25 coadded scans. Then the 90 mentals are significantly lower than half of the stretching spectra, which amount to 2250 scans in all, were averaged modes. Vibrational analysis was carried out for AsH3 and point by point to improve the SNR. The accuracy of the line SbH3 with a simple local mode model (3) . Rotational analyposition was estimated as 0.005 cm . sis has been performed for the SbH3 (200) (4) , (300) (5) , The band from 8130 to 8340 cm was assigned to the and (400) (6) bands and for the AsH3 (200) (7) , (300) (8) , (310) combination band, which consists of the (310; A1) and (400) (9) bands. The striking phenomenon of rotational band, the (310; E2) band, and the (310; E1) band, according requantization and symmetry reduction at the local mode to local mode vibrational analysis (3) . Here the (310; E2) limit was demonstrated clearly in the AsH3 (400) bands (9) . label denotes the E band, the band center of which is high, However, the vibrational–rotational spectra of the (600) while the (310; E1) label denotes the other E bands, the band band of AsH3 were found to be perturbed (10) . center of which is low. Parts of the spectrum of the Recently, high-resolution spectra from 5900 to 11 500 (310; A1) , (310; E1) , and (310; E2) bands are illustrated in cm of AsH3 have been recorded and rotationally analyzed Fig. 1. The label Gv :J 9K 9G 9 r R Gv :J *K *G *r denotes the tranin our laboratory. Here we present a detailed rotational analysition from the ground level to the upper level, where Gv is sis of the (310) local mode combination band of AsH3. the vibrational symmetry and Gr is the vibrational–rotational symmetry. 1 Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy, Physics Department, Tomsk The calibration was carried out by comparing the residual State University, Tomsk 634050, Russia. 2 To whom correspondence should be addressed. H2O lines with the data of Ref. (11) .