Research of GIS Service Framework Based Semantic Web
SUN Yong,WANG Zeng-kai,WANG Chun
Abstract:Current GIS service standards WSDL and SOAP,introduced for describing,discovering and invoking GIS Services,only describe the syntactic aspects of a GIS Service.WSDL is less suitable for describing the semantics of a Web Service capability.This drawback affects not only the service discovery procedure but also service composition,invocation and interoperation.GIS service,based on semantic Web,is a combination of semantic Web and GIS service technologies that promise to alleviate these problems.In this paper we describe OWL-S,ontology of services written in OWL that enables users and software agents,with a high degree of automation,to discover,invoke,compose and monitor Web resources.Then we illustrate our approach through an application in the domain of spatial information service.