Morphologica lStudie si nThermall yInitiate dEmulsion (Co)polymerizatio nwithou tConventiona lInitiators

Abstract:Poly(methy lmethacrylate-co-styrene )composit elatice swer eprepare dby thermall yinitiate dsee demulsio n(co)polymerizatio no fstyren e(ST) ,methy lmethac- rylat e(MMA) ,o rS Tan dMM Aemployin ga PS To rPMM Asee di nth eabsenc eof conventiona linitiators .Th echange so fparticl emorphology ,observe db ytransmission electro nmicroscop y(TEM) ,wer einvestigate db yvaryin gsee dparticl ecomponent ,the weigh trati oo fmonome rt osee dpolymer ,monome rcomposition ,an demployin gpre- swellin go fth esee dparticles .Th esiz edistributio no fpolyme rparticle sobtaine dfrom thermall yinitiate demulsio n(co)polymerizatio nwa simprove db yemployin gth eseed process .Hemisphere-like ,sandwich-like ,core-shell ,an dinverte dcore-shel lparticle morphologie swer eobserve ddependin gupo nth epolymerizatio nconditions .Th epre- swellin go fsee dparticle sdi dno taffec tth emorpholog yo ffina lparticles .Th eparticle morphologies ,obtaine dfro mth etherma lprocess ,wer ecompare dwit hthos eobtained fro mconventiona lsee demulsio npolymerization .Th eincorporatio no fa ninitiator fragmen tSO4 t opolyme rchai nend sseeme dt oallo wth ePS Tchain st ogai nsome hydrophilicity .Fro mth eobservatio no fparticl emorphology ,th ehydrophilicit yof involve dpolymer swer ei nth efollowin gorder :PMM Awit hioni c(OSO4 )chai nends PMM Awit hn oioni cend s PS Twit hioni cend s 60 %MM AP(MMA-co-ST )with n opola rend s 40 %MM AP(MMA-co-ST )wit hn opola rend s PS Twit hn opola rends.
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