Chemical Properties of Ethanol Extracts of Northeast-China Black Bee Propolis
Abstract:In order to study the physicochemical properties of ethanol extracts from Northeast-China black bee propolis (EENBP),the chemical compositions and characteristic spectra of the extracts were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy,ultraviolet (UV)spectroscopy,infrared (IR) spectroscopy,gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS),and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS).Scanning electron microscopy analysis showed that the EENBP obtained by ultrasonic assisted extraction (EENBPUA) had a more uniform distribution compared with that of EENBP.Analysis of UV and IR spectra showed that EENBPUA contained flavonoids,terpenes,esters,phenolic acids,and alcohols,among other components.GC-MS results showed that the main volatiles in EENBPUA were terpene compounds,including germacrene,cadinene,guaiol,and selinene.Seven compounds,including benzaldehyde,caffeic acid,p-coumaric acid,ferulic acid,chrysin,isorhamnetin,and kaempferol were identified by LC/MS from the EENBPUA.These findings suggest that the active components of EENBPUA are abundant and EENBP can be used for further development of healthy food and drugs with corresponding functions.