Approximation Algorithms and Hardness of Integral Concurrent Flow

Parinya Chalermsook,Julia Chuzhoy,Alina Ene,Shi Li
Abstract:We study an integral counterpart of the classical Maximum Concurrent Flow problem, that we call Integral Concurrent Flow (ICF). In the basic version of this problem (basic-ICF), we are given an undirected n-vertex graph $G$ with edge capacities c(e), a subset T of vertices called terminals, and a demand D(t,t') for every pair (t,t') of the terminals. The goal is to find a maximum value λ, and a collection P of paths, such that every pair (t,t') of terminals is connected by ⌊ λ ⋅ D(t,t')⌋ paths in P, and the number of paths containing any edge e is at most c(e). We show an algorithm that achieves a poly log n-approximation for basic-ICF, while violating the edge capacities by only a constant factor. We complement this result by proving that no efficient algorithm can achieve a factor α-approximation with congestion c for any values α,c satisfying α ⋅ c=O(log log n/log log log n), unless NP ⊆ ZPTIME(n poly log n ). We then turn to study the more general group version of the problem (group=ICF), in which we are given a collection (S 1 ,T 1 ),...,(S k ,T k )} of pairs of vertex subsets, and for each 1 ≤ i ≤ k, a demand D i is specified. The goal is to find a maximum value λ and a collection P of paths, such that for each i, at least ⌊ λ ⋅ D i ⌋ paths connect the vertices of S i to the vertices of T i , while respecting the edge capacities. We show that for any 1 ≤ c ≤ O(log log n), no efficient algorithm can achieve a factor O(n 1/(2 2c+3 ) )-approximation with congestion c for the problem, unless NP ⊆ DTIME(n O(log log n) ). On the other hand, we show an efficient randomized algorithm that finds a poly log n-approximate solution with a constant congestion, if we are guaranteed that the optimal solution contains at least D ≥ k poly log n paths connecting every pair (S i ,T i ).
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