Approximation Algorithms for 2-Source Minimum Routing Cost K-Tree Problems
Yen Hung Chen,Gwo-Liang Liao,Chuan Yi Tang
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate some k -tree problems of graphs with given two sources. Let G = ( V , E , ω) be an undirected graph with nonnegative edge lengths and two sources s 1 , s 2 ∈ V . The first problem is the 2-source minimum routing cost k-tree (2-kMRCT) problem, in which we want to find a tree T = ( V T , E T ) spanning k vertices such that the total distance from all vertex in V T to the two sources is minimized, i.e., we want to minimize Σ v ∈ V T { d T ( s 1 , v ) + d T ( s 2 , v )}, in which d T ( s , v ) is the length of the path between s and v on T . The second problem is the 2- source bottleneck source routing cost k-tree (2-kBSRT) problem, in which the objective function is the maximum total distance from any source to all vertices in V T , i.e., max s ∈ ( s 1 , s 2 ){Σ v ∈ V T d T ( s , v )}. The third problem is the 2-source bottleneck vertex routing cost k -tree (2-kBVRT) problem, in which the objective function is the maximum total distance from any vertex in V T to the two sources, i.e., max v ∈ V T { d T ( s 1 , v ) + d T ( s 2 , v )}. In this paper, we present polynomial time approximation schemes (PTASs) for the 2-kMRCT and 2-kBVRT problems. For the 2-kBSRT problem, we give a (2 + Ɛ)-approximation algorithm for any Ɛ > 0.