MSCR: Multidimensional Secure Clustered Routing Scheme in Hierarchical Wireless Sensor Networks
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai Research Center for Wireless Communication,Chen Wei,University of New South Wales,Ni Yepeng,Yang Yinxuan
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking
Abstract:For hierarchical wireless sensor network (WSN), the clustered routing protocol can effectively deal with large-scale application requirements, thereby, how to efficiently elect the secure cluster heads becomes very critical. Unfortunately, many current studies only focus on improving security while neglecting energy efficiency and transmission performance. In this paper, a lightweight trust management scheme (LTMS) is proposed based on binomial distribution for defending against the internal attacks. Simultaneously, distance domain, energy domain, security domain and environment domain are considered and introduced to propose a multidimensional secure clustered routing (MSCR) scheme by using dynamic dimension weight in hierarchical WSNs. The simulation results show that LTMS can effectively prevent a malicious node from being elected as a cluster head, and MSCR can achieve a balance between security, transmission performance and energy efficiency under the requirements of environmental applications.