Lily results for OAEI 2020.
Yunyan Hu,Shaochen Bai,Shiyi Zou,Peng Wang
Abstract:This paper presents the results of Lily in the ontology alignment contest OAEI 2020. As a comprehensive ontology matching system, Lily is intended to participate in three tracks of the contest: anatomy, conference, and spimbench. The specific techniques used by Lily will be introduced briefly. The strengths and weaknesses of Lily will also be discussed. 1 Presentation of the system With the use of hybrid matching strategies, Lily, as an ontology matching system, is capable of solving some issues related to heterogeneous ontologies. It can process normal ontologies, weak informative ontologies [1], ontology mapping debugging [2], and ontology matching tunning [3], in both normal and large scales. In previous OAEI contests [4–11], Lily has achieved preferable performances in some tasks, which indicated its effectiveness and wideness of availability. 1.1 State, purpose, general statement The core principle of matching strategies of Lily is utilizing the useful clues correctly and effectively. Lily combines several effective and efficient matching techniques to facilitate alignments. There are five main matching strategies: (1) Generic Ontology Matching (GOM) is used for common matching tasks with normal size ontologies. (2) Large scale Ontology Matching (LOM) is used for the matching tasks with large size ontologies. (3) Instance Ontology Matching (IOM) is used for instance matching tasks. (4) Ontology mapping debugging is used to verify and improve the alignment results. (5) Ontology matching tuning is used to enhance overall performance. ? Copyright © 2020 for this paper by its authors. Use permitted under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) ?? This work is supported by National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFD1100302) and 13th Five-Year All-Army Common Information System Equipment Pre-Research Project (No.31511110310). ? ? ? Corresponding author (Peng Wang) 2 Yunyan Hu , Shaochen Bai , Shiyi Zou , Peng Wang 1,2,3,4 The matching process mainly contains three steps: (1) Pre-processing, when Lily parses ontologies and prepares the necessary information for subsequent steps. Meanwhile, the ontologies will be generally analyzed, whose characteristics, along with studied datasets, will be utilized to determine parameters and strategies. (2) Similarity computing, when Lily uses special methods to calculate the similarities between elements from different ontologies. (3) Post-processing, when alignments are extracted and refined by mapping debugging. In this year, some algorithms and matching strategies of Lily have been modified for higher efficiency. 1.2 Specific techniques used Lily aims to provide high quality 1:1 concept pair or property pair alignments. The main specific techniques used by Lily are as follows. Semantic subgraph An element may have heterogeneous semantic interpretations in different ontologies. Therefore, understanding the real local meanings of elements is very useful for similarity computation, which are the foundations for many applications including ontology matching. Therefore, before similarity computation, Lily first describes the meaning for each entity accurately. However, since different ontologies have different preferences to describe their elements, obtaining the semantic context of an element is an open problem. The semantic subgraph was proposed to capture the real meanings of ontology elements [12]. To extract the semantic subgraphs, a hybrid ontology graph is used to represent the semantic relations between elements. An extracting algorithm based on an electrical circuit model is then used with new conductivity calculation rules to improve the quality of the semantic subgraphs. It has been shown that the semantic subgraphs can properly capture the local meanings of elements [12]. Based on the extracted semantic subgraphs, more credible matching clues can be discovered, which help reduce the negative effects of the matching uncertainty. Generic ontology matching method The similarity computation is based on the semantic subgraphs, which means all the information used in the similarity computation comes from the semantic subgraphs. Lily combines the text matching and structure matching techniques. Semantic Description Document (SDD) matcher measures the literal similarity between ontologies. A semantic description document of a concept contains the information about class hierarchies, related properties and instances, and external knowledge sources. A semantic description document of a property contains the clues about hierarchies, domains, ranges, restrictions and related instances. In addition, WordNet [13] and domain-specific ontologies (the UBERON [14] Ontology for the Anatomy track) are exploited as external resources to find synonyms and cross-references between entities. Indeed, we explore the property ”hasDbXref”, which is mentioned in almost every class of Uberon. This property references the classes’URI of some external ontologies Lily Results for OAEI 2020 3 such as the human and mouse of the Anatomy track. Consequently, we align every two entities of the Anatomy track in case if they are both referenced in a single class of Uberon. For the descriptions from different entities, the similarities of the corresponding parts will be calculated. Finally, all separated similarities will be combined with the experiential weights. Matching weak informative ontologies Most existing ontology matching methods are based on the linguistic information. However, some ontologies may lack in regular linguistic information such as natural words and comments. Consequently the linguistic-based methods will not work. Structure-based methods are more practical for such situations. Similarity propagation is a feasible idea to realize the structure-based matching. But traditional propagation strategies do not take into consideration the ontology features and will be faced with effectiveness and performance problems. Having analyzed the classical similarity propagation algorithm, Similarity Flood, we proposed a new structure-based ontology matching method [1]. This method has two features: (1) It has more strict but reasonable propagation conditions which lead to more efficient matching processes and better alignments. (2) A series of propagation strategies are used to improve the matching quality. We have demonstrated that this method performs well on the OAEI benchmark dataset [1]. However, the similarity propagation is not always perfect. When more alignments are discovered, more incorrect alignments would also be introduced by the similarity propagation. So Lily also utilizes a strategy to determine when to use the similarity propagation. Large scale ontology matching Matching large ontologies is a challenge due to its significant time complexity. We proposed a new matching method for large ontologies based on reduction anchors [15]. This method has a distinct advantage over the divide-and-conquer methods because it does not need to partition large ontologies. In particular, two kinds of reduction anchors, positive and negative reduction anchors, are proposed to reduce the time complexity in matching. Positive reduction anchors use the concept hierarchy to predict the ignorable similarity calculations. Negative reduction anchors use the locality of matching to predict the ignorable similarity calculations. Our experimental results on the real world datasets show that the proposed methods are efficient in matching large ontologies [15]. Ontology mapping debugging Lily utilizes a technique named ontology mapping debugging to improve the alignment results [2]. Different from existing methods that focus on finding efficient and effective solutions for the ontology mapping problems, mapping debugging emphasizes on analyzing the mapping results to detect or diagnose the mapping defects. During debugging, some types of mapping errors, such as redundant and inconsistent mappings, can be detected. Some 4 Yunyan Hu , Shaochen Bai , Shiyi Zou , Peng Wang 1,2,3,4 warnings, including imprecise mappings or abnormal mappings, are also locked by analyzing the features of mapping result. More importantly, some errors and warnings can be repaired automatically or can be presented to users with revising suggestions. Ontology matching tuning Lily adopted ontology matching tuning this year. By performing parameter optimization on training datasets [3], Lily is able to determine the best parameters for similar tasks. Those data will be stored. When it comes to real matching tasks, Lily will perform statistical calculations on the new ontologies to acquire their features that help it find the most suitable configurations, based on previous training data. In this way, the overall performance can be improved. Currently, ontology matching tuning is not totally automatic. It is difficult to find out typical statistical parameters that distinguish each task from others. Meanwhile, learning from test datasets can be really time-consuming. Our experiment is just a beginning.