On the Split Reliability of Graphs
Jason I. Brown,Isaac McMullin
Abstract:A common model of robustness of a graph against random failures has all vertices operational, but the edges independently operational with probability $p$. One can ask for the probability that all vertices can communicate ({\em all-terminal reliability}) or that two specific vertices (or {\em terminals}) can communicate with each other ({\em two-terminal reliability}). A relatively new measure is {\em split reliability}, where for two fixed vertices $s$ and $t$, we consider the probability that every vertex communicates with one of $s$ or $t$, but not both. In this paper, we explore the existence for fixed numbers $n \geq 2$ and $m \geq n-1$ of an {\em optimal} connected $(n,m)$-graph $G_{n,m}$ for split reliability, that is, a connected graph with $n$ vertices and $m$ edges for which for any other such graph $H$, the split reliability of $G_{n,m}$ is at least as large as that of $H$, for {\em all} values of $p \in [0,1]$. Unlike the similar problems for all-terminal and two-terminal reliability, where only partial results are known, we completely solve the issue for split reliability, where we show that there is an optimal $(n,m)$-graph for split reliability if and only if $n\leq 3$, $m=n-1$, or $n=m=4$.