An Emergency Broadcasting Scheme Based on Ts for Digital Tv
Yan Ma,Chunjiang Liu,Xiaoming Li,Naiguang Zhang
Abstract:Digital TV broadcasting network, including digital cable TV, digital territorial TV, and digital satellite TV, has been built and spread out nationwide. Emergency message can be displayed in various forms with digital TV broadcasting network, such as text, picture, audio, and video. In this paper, we propose an emergency broadcasting system using transport stream (TS) to carry emergency message in digital TV network (TS-EBS). Based on the requirement of being compatible with available transmission system and devices, we design a TS table to carry emergency information and orders, and insert it into TS package with designated and fixed PID in all frequencies. In the context, we present the application difficulty, key technology, the whole framework, and transmission scheme of TS-EBS. As well, we construct a virtual transmission environment of digital cable TV to test our system and scheme. Finally, future work for this technology and potential deployment challenges are presented.