FORst: A 3-Step Heuristic For Obstacle-avoiding Rectilinear Steiner Minimal Tree Construction ?
Yu Hu,Zhe Feng,Tong Jing,Xianlong Hong,Yang Yang,Ge Yu,Xiaodong Hu,Guiying Yan
Abstract:Macro cells, IP blocks, and pre-routed nets are often regarded as obstacles in VLSI routing phase. Obstacle-avoiding rectilinear Steiner minimum tree (OARSMT) algorithms are often used to meet the needs of practical routing applications. However, OARSMT algorithms with multi-terminal nets routing still can not satisfy the requirements of practical applications. This paper presents a 3-step heuristic, named FORst, to tackle the OARSMT problem. In Step1, we partition all terminals into some subsets in the presence of obstacles. Then in Step2, we connect terminals in each connected graph with one or more trees, respectively. In Step3, we connect the forest consisting of trees constructed in Step2 into a completed Steiner tree spanning all terminals while avoiding all obstacles. Two algorithms, called ACO-RSMT and GFST-RSMT, are proposed to construct OARSMT in a connected graph in Step2, which are suitable for difierent situations. This algorithm has been implemented and tested on cases with typical obstacles. The experimental results show that FORst is with great e-ciency and can get good performance. Moreover, it can tackle large scale nets among complex obstacles, such as a net with 1000 terminals in the presence of 100 rectangular obstacles.