Towards the Semantics and Verification of BPEL4WS
Geguang Pu,Xiangpeng Zhao,Shuling Wang,Zongyan Qiu
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
Abstract:In this paper, we discuss the semantics of BPEL4WS lan- guage which is a de facto standard for specifying and execution work∞ow speciflcation for web service composition and orchestration. For the con- venience, We propose the language called "-BPEL including all primitive and structured activities within BPEL4WS. Moreover, As the Timed Au- tomata (TA) (2) is powerful in designing real-time models with multiple clocks and has well developed automatic tool support the veriflcation, we deflne and map BPEL4WS constructs into composable Timed Au- tomata. Therefore, all the properties we want to check within BPEL4WS can be verifled in TA network correspondingly. Furthermore, we prove the mapping from "-BPEL to TA is a simulation which means the TA network simulates correctly the corresponding speciflcation written in BPEL4WS. The case study in Uppaal model checker shows that our method is efiective, and a Java supporting tool based on Uppaal model checker engine has been developed. Keywords: Work∞ow language, BPEL4WS, Operational Semantics, Ver- iflcation, Timed Automata, Web service, Uppaal.