A. Martin,J. Cahill,G. W. Patterson,B. Greenhagen,J. Grier,A. Stickle
Abstract:Introduction: Understanding surface evolution of the Moon is essential for understanding surface processes and determining relative ages between features. The lunar surface, when exposed to the space environment, goes through a modification process called “maturation” [1]. The physical properties of the regolith changes with time and these changes can be characterized using different maturity indices (i.e. Optical maturity OMAT) [2]. The evolution of the regolith is thought to occur through multiple processes. One key process is the build up of agglutinate or glass content [1, 3-9]. Multiple studies show that agglutinates account for large portions of mature soils [1, 5, 10, 11]. The amount of sub-microscopic iron (SMFe), trapped solar wind nitrogen [10], and solar wind sputtering and vapor deposition [12, 13] in the material can have contributing factors as well. Sampling maturity effects from different processes indicates that this evolution can be tracked across wavelengths [11]. Preliminary Methods: In a preliminary comparison [14], three craters: Byrgius A, Dufay B, and Golitsyn J were surveyed using different maturity methods to look for correlations of maturity as a function of wavelength. The methods for representing those maturities were OMAT, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC), Diviner, and Miniature Radio Frequency (Mini-RF). After reviewing these three craters, the conclusion was that maturity can be tracked across wavelengths but a more detailed comparison is necessary. For this abstract, we will build on that previous work by evaluating 36 craters using the same methodology. The craters are drawn from the Lunar Impact Crater Database [15] and they were chosen based on morphology and whether Mini-RF coverage was available. The goal is to better understand if maturity trends can be correlated because they manifest differently at different wavelengths. If the initial conclusion holds true, this can provide a powerful insight into surface evolution on the Moon. Data Comparisons: OMAT comes from extracting optical maturity parameters from multispectral data (here, we use data from Clementine and the Kaguya Multi-band Imager). Using these parameters, overall maturity can be characterized on lunar soils and crater ejecta [2]. Grier et al. [2] used OMAT to classify Byrgius A as young, Dufay B as intermediate, and Golitsyn J as old based on profiles of OMAT across the ejecta blankets (Figure 1). Figure 1. OMAT values for the preliminary craters. Youngest crater ejecta shows a higher OMAT value. Intermediate crater ejecta is lower, while the oldest crater shows the lowest OMAT value. LROC: Data from the LROC wide angle camera (WAC) gives us a near-global seven band mosaic (321689 nm), where we can investigate the lunar surface at ultraviolet wavelengths. The findings from Denevi et al [16], suggested that UV reflectance data is key for quantifying maturation of young soils. Our study is using an RGB image to examine maturation at given craters; R = 415 nm, G = 321/415 nm ratio, and B = 321/360 nm ratio. When viewing the RGB image, green indicates the most mature, pink indicates low 321/415 nm ratio, and yellow indicates high 321/415 nm ratio. We can see a distinction in these RGB images for the 3 preliminary craters and expect to see the same trend in this study (Figure 2).