A Novel Freeform Slicer IFU for the Magellan InfraRed Multi-Object Spectrograph (MIRMOS)
Maren Cosens,Nicholas P. Konidaris II,Gwen C. Rudie,Andrew B. Newman,Gerrad Killion,Leon Aslan,Robert Barkhouser,Andrea Bianco,Christoph Birk,Julia Brady,Michele Frangiamore,Tyson Hare,Stephen C. Hope,Daniel D. Kelson,Alicia Lanz,Solange Ramirez,Stephen A. Smee,Andrea Vanella,Jason E. Williams
Abstract:The Magellan InfraRed Multi-Object Spectrograph (MIRMOS) is a planned next generation multi-object and integral field spectrograph for the 6.5m Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. MIRMOS will perform R$\sim$3700 spectroscopy over a simultaneous wavelength range of 0.886 - 2.404$\mu$m (Y,J,H,K bands) in addition to imaging over the range of 0.7 - 0.886$\mu$m. The integral field mode of operation for MIRMOS will be achieved via an image slicer style integral field unit (IFU) located on a linear stage to facilitate movement into the beam during use or storage while operating in multi-object mode. The IFU will provide a $\rm \sim20"\times26"$ field of view (FoV) made up of $\rm0.84"\times26"$ slices. This will be the largest FoV IFS operating at these wavelengths from either the ground or space, making MIRMOS an ideal instrument for a wide range of science cases including studying the high redshift circumgalactic medium and emission line tracers from ionized and molecular gas in nearby galaxies. In order to achieve the desired image quality and FoV while matching the focal ratio to the multi-object mode, our slicer design makes use of novel freeform surfaces for the pupil mirrors, which require the use of high precision multi-axis diamond milling to manufacture. We present here the optical design and predicted performance of the MIRMOS IFU along with a conceptual design for the opto-mechanical system.
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics