Best Practices for Communicating a Diagnosis of Dementia: Results of a Multi-Stakeholder Modified Delphi Consensus Process
Melissa J Armstrong,Noheli Bedenfield,Monica Rosselli,Rosie E Curiel Cid,Marcela Kitaigorodsky,James E Galvin,Christian Lachner,Amanda Grant Smith,María de Los Ángeles Ortega,Yasmin Mohiuddin,Julie Shatzer,Deann Marasco,Dianna Willis,Carma L Bylund
Abstract:Background and objectives: Many individuals with dementia and their families report not receiving a dementia diagnosis. Previously published standards for delivering a dementia diagnosis are now more than 10 years old and were developed without patient and caregiver input. The objective of this study was to identify best practices for delivering a diagnosis of dementia using existing literature, involvement of diverse stakeholders, and consensus building through a formal modified Delphi approach. Methods: We convened a multi-stakeholder working group including a patient, caregivers, Alzheimer's Association staff, and clinicians from diverse backgrounds. The panel used the American Academy of Neurology process for recommendation development, consisting of a half-day workshop and 3 rounds of anonymous modified Delphi voting to achieve consensus. Results: The working group convened from May 2022 through January 2023. The group chose to focus statements on a limited number of best practices that can be applied across clinic types. Seven best practice statements achieved consensus after a maximum of 3 rounds of voting. These included the following: (1) Clinicians must show compassion and empathy when delivering a diagnosis of dementia (level A). During dementia diagnosis disclosure, clinicians should (2) ask regarding diagnosis preferences, (3) instill realistic hope, (4) provide practical strategies, (5) provide education and connections to high-quality resources, (6) connect caregivers to support resources, and (7) provide written summaries of the diagnoses, plan, and relevant resources (each level B). Discussion: Clinicians need to customize discussion of a dementia diagnosis for individual patients and their caregivers. These 7 best practices provide a diagnosis communication framework that can be implemented across varied clinical settings. Additional strategies, such as using optimal general communication approaches, are also important for dementia diagnosis discussions. Thoughtful application of these best practices is particularly important when caring for individuals from underrepresented communities. Further improving communication regarding dementia diagnoses will require health system changes (e.g., for sufficient time), improved access to specialty dementia care, and clinician training for delivering difficult diagnoses. More research is needed to identify culturally sensitive approaches to discussing dementia diagnoses.