Two Sides of Landscape in Ink-wash Painting: Chinese Landscape Painting in Expressive Arts Practice

Wai-yu. Leung
Abstract:Creative Arts Educ Ther (2020) 6(2):209–220 DOI: 10.15212/CAET/2020/6/23 Two Sides of Landscape in Ink-wash Painting: Chinese Landscape Painting in Expressive Arts Practice 水墨的兩面風景:從表達藝術治療理解中國山水畫創作 Abstract Chinese landscape painting does not pursue the accuracy of the subject’s outer appearance, instead, it captures the energy, life force, and spirit beyond. The various styles of calligraphic lines are expressive and become a language to convey one’s belief. The interwoven relationship between Chinese landscape painting and painter exhibits its compatibility with the practice of expressive art in some aspects. The high skill/high sensitivity required for Chinese landscape painting evokes a good awareness of oneself, it exercises the senses and opens up the imagination. The expressive calligraphic brushstrokes create a delicate world that echoes the inner state of the painter that will lead the way and reveal itself. Being immersed in the “landscape” in the painting enables people to remove themselves from daily life and channel themselves into another world. The sense of being insignificant in the face of the vast landscape teaches the viewer to surrender to what may come and to uncertainty. Keywords: Chinese landscape painting, Expressive arts, Taoism, high sensitivity 摘要 中國山水畫並非追求描繪景物外形上的相似,而是著重表達其蘊藏的能量、生命力及內在精神。千變萬化及靈活的筆觸線條甚具表達力,讓其成為語言述說自己的故事。與表達藝術治療一樣,中國山水畫裡的創品與畫者有著親密互動的關係。中國山水畫要求的高技術高敏感度能喚起畫者自身的覺察、提升感官敏感度和擴展想像力。具生命動感的書法線條能創造一個細緻的世界,由畫者的心驅使畫筆,以展現及回應畫者的內在狀態。當畫者/ 觀賞者攝於山水畫裡雄偉的「風景」時,這片刻能讓他們精神上離開日常的紛擾,並進入另外一個世界,於大自然中感應其自身的渺小亦讓人領悟出以更寬容的態度應對未知。 關鍵詞:中國山水畫,表達藝術,道,高敏感
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