Characterizing the Entanglement of Anyonic Systems using the Anyonic Partial Transpose
Nico Kirchner,Wonjune Choi,Frank Pollmann
Abstract:Entanglement of mixed quantum states can be quantified using the partial transpose and its corresponding entanglement measure, the logarithmic negativity. Recently, the notion of partial transpose has been extended to systems of anyons, which are exotic quasiparticles whose exchange statistics go beyond the bosonic and fermionic case. Studying the fundamental properties of this anyonic partial transpose, we first reveal that when applied to the special case of fermionic systems, it can be reduced to the fermionic partial transpose or its twisted variant depending on whether or not a boundary Majorana fermion is present. Focusing on ground state properties, we find that the anyonic partial transpose captures both the correct entanglement scaling for gapless systems, as predicted by conformal field theory, and the phase transition between a topologically trivial and a nontrivial phase. For non-abelian anyons and the bipartition geometry, we find a rich multiplet structure in the eigenvalues of the partial transpose, the so-called negativity spectrum, and reveal the possibility of defining both a charge- and an imbalance-resolved negativity.
Strongly Correlated Electrons,Quantum Physics