Utilizing remote access for electronic medical records reduces overall electronic medical record time for vascular surgery residents
Vy T Ho,Michael D Sgroi,Venita Chandra,Steven M Asch,Jonathan H Chen,Jason T Lee
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvs.2023.01.198
Abstract:Objective: Survey data suggests that surgical residents spend 20% to 30% of training time using the electronic medical record (EMR), raising concerns about burnout and insufficient operative experience. We characterize trainee EMR activity in the vascular surgery service of a quaternary care center to identify modifiable factors associated with high EMR use. Methods: Resident activity while on the vascular surgery service was queried from the EMR. Weekends and holidays were excluded to focus on typical staffing periods. Variables including daily time spent, post-graduate year (PGY), remote access via mobile device or personal laptop, and patient census including operative caseload were extracted. Univariate analysis was performed with t tests and χ2 tests where appropriate. We then fit a linear mixed-effects model with normalized daily EMR time as the outcome variable, random slopes for resident and patient census, and fixed effects of PGY level, academic year, and fractional time spent using remote access. Results: EMR activity for 53 residents from July 2015 to June 2019 was included. The mean daily EMR usage was 1.6 hours, ranging from 3.6 hours per day in PGY1 residents to 1.1 hours in PGY4 to 5 residents. Across all PGYs, the most time-consuming EMR activities were chart review (43.0%-46.6%) and notes review (22.4%-27.0%). In the linear mixed-effects model, increased patient census was associated with increased daily EMR usage (Coefficient = 0.61, P-value < .001). Resident seniority (Coefficient = -1.2, P-value < .001) and increased remote access (Coefficient = -0.44, P-value < .001) were associated with reduced daily EMR usage. Over the study period, total EMR usage decreased significantly from the 2015/2016 academic year to the 2018/2019 academic year (mean difference, 2.4 hours vs 1.78; P-value < .001). Conclusions: In an audit of EMR activity logs on a vascular surgery service, mean EMR time was 1.6 hours a day, which is lower than survey estimates. Resident seniority and remote access utilization were associated with reduced time spent on the EMR, independent of patient census. Although increasing EMR accessibility via mobile devices and personal computers have been hypothesized to contribute to poor work-life balance, our study suggests a possible time-saving effect by enabling expedient access for data review, which constitutes the majority of resident EMR activity. Further research in other institutions and specialties is needed for external validation and exploring implications for resident wellness initiatives.