Baseline Bounded Half-Plane Voronoi Diagram.
Bing Su,Yinfeng Xu,Binhai Zhu
Discrete Mathematics Algorithms and Applications
Abstract:Given a set of points P = {p1, p2, …, pn} in the Euclidean plane, with each point pi associated with a given direction vi ∈ V. P(pi, vi) defines a half-plane and L(pi, vi) denotes the baseline that is perpendicular to vi and passing through pi. Define a region dominated by pi and vi as a Baseline Bounded Half-Plane Voronoi Region, denoted as V or(pi, vi), if a point x ∈ V or(pi, vi), then (1) x ∈ P(pi, vi); (2) the line segment l(x, pi) does not cross any baseline; (3) if there is a point pj, such that x ∈ P(pj, vj), and the line segment l(x, pj) does not cross any baseline then d(x, pi) ≤ d(x, pj), j ≠ i. The Baseline Bounded Half-Plane Voronoi Diagram, denoted as V or(P, V), is the union of all V or(pi, vi). We show that V or(pi, vi) and V or(P, V) can be computed in O(n log n) and O(n2log n) time, respectively. For the heterogeneous point set, the same problem is also considered.