Genetic diversity and fine-scale structure of two populations of a subterranean rodent,
Anna I. Rudyk,Kristina Kuprina,Arman M. Bergaliev,Svetlana A. Galkina,Anna E. Romanovich,Eugene A. Novikov,Elena V. Volodina,Antonina V. Smorkatcheva
Abstract:Subterranean rodents represent an interesting model system for molecular ecologists. Their lifestyle is associated with fragmented environments, limited dispersal ability, and low fecundity. These characteristics all are expected to increase inter- and intrapopulation differentiation and reduce intra-population genetic diversity, yet the published empirical data revealed the lack of generality of this pattern. This emphasizes the importance of accumulating more data on individual species to understand what factors shape the genetic dynamics of populations. This study represents the first characterization of the population genetic diversity and fine-scale genetic structure of a highly specialized subterranean vole, Ellobius talpinus. We used nine microsatellite loci and a fragment of the mitochondrial D-loop to investigate genetic patterns of two distant populations: the Novosibirsk population at the extreme northeastern edge of the species range, and the sub-peripheral Saratov population. As a result, the two populations exhibit distinct patterns of genetic structure. The Novosibirsk population showed a low nuclear diversity with an observed heterozygosity (Ho) of 0.34 and an unbiased expected heterozygosity (uHe) of 0.55. Mitochondrial D-loop was nearly monomorphic with over 90% of the observed haplotypes being identical, resulting in a haplotype diversity (Hd) of 0.14 and nucleotide diversity (π) of 0.0004. In contrast, the Saratov population displayed moderate nuclear (Ho = 0.64; uHe = 0.76) and high mitochondrial variation (Hd = 0.83; π = 0.034), compared to the surface-dwelling voles. Nine haplotypes representing four well-differentiated mitochondrial clades were found in the Saratov population. In a heterogeneous landscape, significant genetic differentiation was revealed at both intermediate (dozens of kilometers) and fine (several kilometers) scales. However, within the continuous suitable habitat, no fine-scale spatial structure was observed apart from that caused by kin clustering. The spatial genetic patterns revealed in E. talpinus appear to reflect a combination of effects of strong social structure, local natural and anthropogenic barriers limiting dispersal opportunities, and occasional long-distance dispersal.