The syndrome of anosognosia.

E. Weinstein,R. Kahn
A M A Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry
Abstract:WHILE accounts of cases of anosognosia1have mainly concerned descriptions of patients who have denied the existence of left hemiplegia and blindness, there have been reported many instances of denial or unawareness of other defects. Schilder,2Von Hagen and Ives,3Nielsen and Ives,4Nielsen,5Olsen and Ruby,6Sandifer7and Rosenbaum8recorded cases of denial of right hemiplegia. Unawareness of paraplegia was reported by Stengel and Steele.9Roth10observed anosognosia for hemiballismus. There are also cases of denial of alexia,11auditory agnosia10and deafness.12Fulton and Bailey,13Nielsen and Raney,14and Redlich and Dorsey15observed patients who denied that they were ill at all or that they had been operated on. Most of the discussion has centered about whether a focal lesion can produce anosognosia or whether diffuse involvement of the brain is necessary. The problem
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