Needlessly Treated: Evaluation of Prehospital Needle Thoracostomy
Gabriel E Vazquez,John R Calhoun,Elizabeth A Fuchsen,Jeannette M Capella,Cory C Vaudt,Richard A Sidwell,Hayden L Smith,Carlos A Pelaez
Abstract:Background: Needle thoracostomy is a potentially life-saving intervention for tension pneumothorax but may be overused, potentially leading to unnecessary morbidity. Objective: To review prehospital needle thoracostomy indications, effectiveness, and adverse outcomes. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted based on registry data for a United States Midwestern Level I trauma center for a 7.5-year period (January 2015 to May 2022). Included were patients who received prehospital needle thoracostomy and trauma activation before hospital arrival. The primary outcomes were correct indications and improvement in vital signs. Secondary outcomes were the need for chest tubes, correct needle placement, complications, and survival. Results: A total of n = 67 patients were reviewed, of which n = 63 (94%) received a prehospital thoracostomy. Of the 63 prehospital thoracostomies, 54 (86%) survived to arrival. Of these 54, 44 (n = 81%) had documented reduced/absent breath sounds, 15 (28%) hypotension, and 19 (35%) with difficulty breathing/ventilating. Only four patients met all three prehospital trauma life support criteria: hypotension, difficulty ventilating, and absent breath sounds. There were no significant changes in prehospital vitals before and after receiving needle thoracostomy. In patients receiving imaging (n = 54), there was evidence of 15 (28%) lung lacerations, 6 (11%) of which had a pneumothorax and 3 (5%) near misses of important structures. Review of needle catheters visible on computer tomography imaging found 11 outside the chest and 1 in the abdominal cavity. Conclusion: The study presents evidence of potential needle thoracostomy overuse and morbidity. Adherence to specific guidelines for needle decompression is needed.