New technologies to treatment of Spotted Fever, GVE VII - Santo Andre, SP, Brazil.
Andrea M. Losacco,Angela Maria M. Moriwake,Simone C. Caravaggi,Milena Camaral,Angela Maria Mozena Moriwake,Simone Cristina Caravaggi
Online Journal of Public Health Informatics
Abstract:ObjectiveTo perform the spatial distribution of Spotted Fever in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo Municipality (MRSP), coverage area of Epidemiological Surveillance Group VII – of Santo Andre (GVE7), to determine clusters of disease incidence, and through QR Code to be able to access data from any smartphone as an aid to the early treatment of new suspected cases.IntroductionThe use of new technologies such as Online Maps and the QR Code facilitates the knowledge dissemination in the health science, aiding in diagnostic elucidation and intelligent decisions making, thus offering an improvement in the quality of care provided to patients. Cases with suspected spotted fever should be approached as potentially serious, which may develop with shock within a few hours and, if not addressedcan progress to death. In the case of spotted fever, early onset determines the cure of these cases.MethodsThe spatial distribution of confirmed Spotted Fever cases was performed in the region of the seven municipalities inserted into GVE7, using the Information System of Notifiable Diseases (SINAN) database and Google Maps online tool, and determining clusters of disease incidence. The QR Code was generated through the QR Code Maker online tool to access map and to verify if the displacement of each new suspect case coincides with the incidence clusters of the disease, and to determine early treatment of these patients.ResultsDuring the study period, 496 suspected cases of Spotted Fever were reported, of which 64 cases were laboratory test confirmed with a lethality rate of 65%. Most of the probable infection sites are located near the regions close to forest remnants and near the dams. The main concentration of cases is in Recreio da Borda do CampoDistrict in Santo Andre, 27 cases (43% of total). The other priority areas for Spotted Fever occurrence in the MRSP in the period were the districts of Alvarenga, Cooperativa (border of Municipality of Diadema), and Montanhao (in the Municipality of Sao Bernardo do Campo).Figure 1. QR Code and Google Maps Spotted Fever Incidence Clusters, GVE VII Santo Andre.ConclusionsIn order to validate the use of these technologies as positive, it will be necessary to analyze the closure of the new suspected Spotted Fever cases treated in the region studied. Positive spatial correlation between neighboring areas may result from the disease having an occurrence characteristic in endemic areas and spreading to the nearest areas. We can conclude that the use of new technologies to determine the early onset of treatment for Spotted Fever suspected cases based on the origin of the patients treated in the region of GVE7 can determine the success in the evolution of these cases.ReferencesBarros-Silva PM, Pereira SV, Fonseca LX, Maniglia FV, de Oliveira SV, de Caldas EP. Febre maculosa: uma análise epidemiológica dos registros do sistema de vigilância do Brasil. Scientia Plena. 2014 Apr 25;10(4 (A)).Biggs HM. Diagnosis and management of tickborne rickettsial diseases: Rocky Mountain spotted fever and other spotted fever group rickettsioses, ehrlichioses, and anaplasmosis—United States. MMWR. Recommendations and Reports. 2016;65.Czuszynski K, Ruminski J. Interaction with medical data using QR-codes. InHuman System Interactions (HSI), 2014 7th International Conference on 2014 Jun 16 (pp. 182-187). IEEE.Dube S, Ndlovu S, Nyathi T, Sibanda K. QR Code based patient medical health records transmission: Zimbabwean case. InProceedings of informing science & IT education conference (InSITE) 2015 (pp. 521-520).Kanzaki A, Natsuaki M, Matsutani S, Mase K, Nakajima E, Kataoka S, Konya H, Takeda A, Nishiura T, Takada N. Two cases of Japanese spotted fever infected in Rokko mountain near urban area of southern Hyogo Prefecture. The Journal of dermatology. 2018 Jun 1. JT, Lana RC, Silva CM, Lourenço RW, Silva DC, Donalísio MR. Urbanização da febre maculosa brasileira em município da região Sudeste: epidemiologia e distribuição espacial. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia. 2015 Apr; 18:299-312.Parra F. Reflexões sobre as relações entre usuário-interator e tecnologias emergentes a partir do QR Code. Temática. 2018 May 23;14(5).Pinter A ET AL.; A Febre Maculosa Brasileira na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Boletim Epidemiológico Paulista 2016;13(151):3-47.Raghavan RK, Goodin DG, Neises D, Anderson GA, Ganta RR. Hierarchical bayesian spatio–temporal analysis of climatic and socio–economic determinants of rocky mountain spotted fever. PloS one. 2016 Mar 4;11(3):e0150180.
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