Chronic metal contamination shapes the size structure of Gammarus fossarum populations in French headwater rivers

A Lalouette,D Degli Esposti,C Colomb,L Garnero,H Quéau,R Recoura-Massaquant,A Chaumot
Abstract:Assessing the effects of multigenerational exposure of aquatic animal populations to chemical contamination is essential for ecological risk assessment. However, beyond rare examples reporting the sporadic emergence of a toxicological tolerance within populations that persist in contaminated environments, conclusive results are even more limited from field studies when it comes to the alteration of life-history traits. Here, we investigated whether long-term exposure to cadmium (Cd) influences size-related life-history traits (i.e., size at puberty, median adult size, maximum size) in Gammarus fossarum, a keystone species of European stream ecosystems. We studied 13 field populations of G. fossarum (cryptic lineage B) living in headwater rivers located in natural areas scattered at a large geographical scale and exposed to contrasted bioavailable Cd contamination levels due to different local geochemical backgrounds. We achieved a detailed description of the physical and physicochemical conditions of the river reaches investigated. Land-use parameters, hydrological characteristics (flow, slope, river width, flow structure, mosaic of substrates), and physicochemical conditions (temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen) were measured. Metallic bioavailable contamination was assessed using a standardized active biomonitoring procedure (Gammarus caging). Based on the field demographic census of the 13 populations, our results demonstrated that chronic Cd contamination significantly influences life-history in the G. fossarum species, with a significant reduction in all size traits of populations (size at puberty, median adult size, maximum size). In addition, we confirmed Cd-tolerance in contaminated populations during exposure tests in the laboratory. Various hypotheses can be then put forward to explain the modification of size-related life-history traits: a direct toxic effect of Cd, a cost of Cd-tolerance, or an adaptive evolution of life-history exposed to toxic pressure.
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