Associations of parity with health disorders and blood metabolite concentrations in Holstein cows in different production systems
I J Lean,S J LeBlanc,D B Sheedy,T Duffield,J E P Santos,H M Golder
Abstract:Data were obtained from studies in Australia, Canada, and the United States using individual cow data from 28,230 Holstein cows to evaluate associations between parity and disease. Our goal was to develop understanding of disease risks for cows of differing parity. We hypothesized that there would be increased risks of disease and changes in metabolite concentrations with increased parity. Parity ≥5 represented 2,533 cows or 9.0%, parity 4 was 9.8% (2,778), parity 3 as 19.0% (5,355), parity 2 as 28.1% (7,925), and parity 1 was 34.1% (9,639) of the sample. Of these cows, 15.5% were in Australia, 14.7% in Canada, and 69.8% in the United States. Lactational incidence (LI) risk of clinical hypocalcemia increased with parity from 0.1% for parity 1 to 13% for parity ≥5 cows. The marked increase suggests profound differences in metabolism with increased parity. The LI of clinical mastitis was 17.4%. The odds of mastitis increased with parity to 2.5 times greater in parity ≥5 than in parity 1. The LI of lameness increased with parity; specifically, the odds of lameness was 5.6 times greater for parity ≥5 than parity 1. Dystocia incidence was 8.7% and greatest for parity 1 cows. The LI of retained placenta was 7.4% and increased with parity, with the odds for parity ≥5 2.3 times greater than for parity 1. The LI of metritis was 10% and of endometritis 14%, with the greatest odds in parity 1. The LI of clinical ketosis was 3.3% with a marked increase in odds with parity. The prevalence of subclinical ketosis was 26.8% with only cows in parity 1 having lower odds than other parities. Parity ≥5 cows had greater odds (odds ratio = 1.7) of respiratory disease than parity 1 cows, which were lesser than other parities. Metabolite concentrations were evaluated in 5,154 Holstein cows in the precalving, calving, and immediate postcalving data sets. Metabolic measures near peak lactation provided 1,906 observations. Concentrations of β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) and nonesterified fatty acids increased with parity on d 1 to 3 of lactation and at peak lactation. On d 1 to 3 after calving differences in glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and BHB indicated a greater reliance on mobilized lipid to export energy to peripheral tissues as BHB for greater parity cows. Differences in concentrations among parity groups were marked at times, for example >0.20 mM in Ca for parity 1 and 2 to parity ≥5 and >0.33 mM for all older parities compared with parity 1 for P on the day of calving. The marked increase suggests profound differences in metabolism with increased parity are probably influenced, in part, by increased production. We found marked differences in concentrations of metabolites with parity that are consistent with reduced reproduction, health, and body condition for higher parity cows. These unfavorable differences in metabolism in Ca, P, glucose, and cholesterol concentrations for higher parity cows also complement the often-substantial differences in disease risk with parity and suggest a need to carefully consider the parity structure in study design. Managers and advisors will need to consider methods to reduce risk of health disorders tailored to cows of different ages.