The impact of cognitive biases, mental models, and mindsets on leadership and change in the health system

David A Petrie,Ronald R Lindstrom,Samuel G Campbell
Abstract:Understanding how cognitive biases, mental models, and mindsets impact leadership in health systems is essential. This article supports the notion of cognitive biases as flawed thinking or cognitive traps which negatively influence leadership. Mental models that do not fit with current evidence limit our ability to comprehend and respond to system issues. Resulting mindsets affect cognition, behaviour, and decision-making. Metacognition is critical. The wicked problems in today's complex health system require leaders and everyone involved to elevate their personal, organizational, and disciplinary perspectives to a systems level. Three examples of mental models/mindsets are reviewed. They do not change simply because we wish or will them to. The first step is being aware of what they are and how they impact our thinking and decision-making. Some tips for managing these traps are offered as examples of how to challenge our leadership approach in the health system.
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