Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) feathers as bioindicators of exposure to metals and metalloids contamination in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas from Campeche state, Mexico
Merle Borges-Ramírez,Griselda Escalona-Segura,Esperanza Huerta-Lwanga,Eduardo Iñigo-Elias,Jaime Rendón-von Osten
Abstract:Landfills are sources of soil, water, and air pollution due to the release of toxic compounds such as metals and metalloids. In both tropical and temperate environments, scavenger birds such as the Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus) that have learned to use these sites as a feeding area are probably exposed to metals, metalloids and other "persistent bioaccumulative toxic substances (PBTs)" released in open dumpsite (OD) and sanitary landfill (SL). The objective of this study is to evaluate the presence and distribution of toxic metals (Al, Sn, Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd, Cr) and As in OD and SL from urban, semi-urban and rural localities in Campeche, México, using molting feathers of C. atratus as bioindicators. A total of 125 Black Vulture primary and secondary wing feathers were collected from OD and SL. Metals were determined by voltammetry through acid digestion. The highest levels of metals occurred in landfills in urban, semi-urban, and rural localities. The elements with the highest concentrations were Al, with an average of 35.67 ± 33.51 μg g-1 from rural environments, and As, with 16.20 ± 30.06 μg g-1 from the urban localities. Mercury was the only element that had a very homogeneous distribution between the three environments we studied. In general, Pb, Hg, Cu and Cd were the elements that presented the lowest concentrations with 0.32 ± 0.35, 0.16 ± 0.22, 0.14 ± 0.31 and 0.06 ± 0.10 μg g-1, respectively regardless of any particular location or environment. Black Vultures from dumpsites are good bioindicators of what humans consume in urban, semi-urban, and rural environments. However, the conservation of vultures is of great importance since these scavenger birds perform ecosystem services by feeding on decomposing organic material.