Estimation of radiating conditions in the reservoirs located close uranium mining of regions Kazakhstan (LB634)
Meirat Bakhtin,Polat Kazymbet,Manshuk Eltokova,Nursulu Altaeva,Imanali Baydaulet,Alisa Dzhakenova
The FASEB Journal
Abstract:Stepnogorsk Mining and Chemical Plant (SMCP) is in operation more than 50 years and is one of the largest complexes on production of suboxide‐oxide of uranium and other rare metals. Radioactive wastes of SMCP are accumulated at the tailings storage with area of 7,82 km2, where the wastes with mass of 44,17 million tons and amount of radioactivity of 146,4 thousand Curie are concentrated. Complex radioecological conditions in river system “Kutunguz” is caused by dump in the river of miner waters with mine №1 near Shantobe. In river water concentration 238U, 226Ra, 210Ро, 230Th and 210Pb makes accordingly on the average ‐ 4,54 Bq/l, 0,11 Bq/l, 2,50 Bq/l, 0,1 Bq/l and 0,37 Bq/l. In the shallow reservoirs located near SMCP and in landlocked reservoirs Мanibay and Sulukamisk of thalwegs concentration radionuclide’s in water, ground deposits in gidrobionts is higher in comparison with parameters of conditionally control reservoir. The level with microkernels at fishes of the river Kutunguz and amphibian Manibay of a thalweg, the river Kutunguz authentically is higher than blood, than similar parameters, characteristic for conditionally control populations. On the basis of the analysis of a level of radioactive pollution of potable water and open reservoirs loading for various groups of the population is designed. On the basis of the received data principles of the organization and use radiobioecologick monitoring of open reservoirs in uranium regions are offered.
cell biology,biochemistry & molecular biology,biology