Biological matrices, reagents and turnaround-time: the full-circle of artificial intelligence in the pre-analytical phase: comment on Turcic A, et al., Machine learning to optimize cerebrospinal fluid dilution for analysis of MRZH reaction. CCLM 2024;62:436–41
Cristiano Ialongo,Massimo Pieri
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (CCLM)
Abstract:Research ethics: Not applicable. Informed consent: Not applicable. Author contributions: The authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission. Competing interests: All other authors state no conflict of interest. Research funding: None declared. Data availability: Not applicable. 1. Turcic, A, Stajduhar, A, Vogrinc, Z, Zaninovic, L, Rogic, D. Machine learning to optimize cerebrospinal fluid dilution for analysis of MRZH reaction. Clin Chem Lab Med 2024;62:436–41. Search in Google Scholar PubMed 2. Borisov, V, Leemann, T, Sessler, K, Haug, J, Pawelczyk, M, Kasneci, G. Deep neural networks and tabular data: a survey. IEEE Transact Neural Networks Learn Syst 2022. Search in Google Scholar PubMed 3. Ialongo, C, Pieri, M, Bernardini, S. Smart management of sample dilution using an artificial neural network to achieve streamlined processes and saving resources: the automated nephelometric testing of serum free light chain as case study. Clin Chem Lab Med 2017;55:231–6. Search in Google Scholar PubMed 4. Ialongo, C, Pieri, M, Bernardini, S. Artificial neural network for total laboratory automation to improve the management of sample dilution. J Lab Autom 2017;22:44–9. Search in Google Scholar PubMed 5. Ialongo, C, Porzio, O, Giambini, I, Bernardini, S. Total automation for the core laboratory: improving the turnaround time helps to reduce the volume of ordered STAT tests. J Lab Autom 2016;21:451–8. Search in Google Scholar PubMed 6. Ialongo, C, Bernardini, S. Total laboratory automation has the potential to be the field of application of artificial intelligence: the cyber-physical system and "Automation 4.0". Clin Chem Lab Med 2019;57:e279–81. Search in Google Scholar PubMed 7. Carobene, A, Cabitza, F, Bernardini, S, Gopalan, R, Lennerz, JK, Weir, C, et al.. Where is laboratory medicine headed in the next decade? Partnership model for efficient integration and adoption of artificial intelligence into medical laboratories. Clin Chem Lab Med 2023;61:535–43. Search in Google Scholar PubMed © 2024 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston
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