Errata to "Parallax Free Registration for Augmented Reality Optical See-Through Displays in the Peripersonal Space" [1] (DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.3021534)

Vincenzo Ferrari,Nadia Cattari,Umberto Fontana,Fabrizio Cutolo
Abstract:In the original article, there was a mistake in the content of Table 2 page 8 column 1 as published. The values of the mean and standard deviation of the virtual-to-real overlay error in visual angles, which are reported for different checkerboard distances, are to be corrected. Due to a typing error within the data analysis code, we mistakenly considered an erroneous value of the average angular resolution for the eye-replacement camera. This scale factor is used to pass from the original registration errors (expressed in pixel) to the angular registration errors (in arcmin). The value of the average angular resolution is $\approx 2.67$≈2.67 arcmin/pixel. The corrected Table 2 appears below.
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