First Report of Diaporthe tulliensis Causing Necrotic Spots and Leaf Blight on Rambutan in Puerto Rico
Luz M Serrato-Diaz,Ashley Aviles-Noriega,Lydia I Rivera-Vargas,Ricardo Goenaga
Abstract:Rambutan (Nepehelium lappaceum) is a tropical exotic fruit belonging to the Sapindaceae family. Several pathogens have been identified in rambutan causing different diseases on fruits, inflorescences, and branches (Serrato-Diaz et al., 2015, 2017, 2020) but few on leaves. From 2015 to 2021, a disease survey was conducted in one greenhouse in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and experimental rambutan field orchards of the USDA-ARS Tropical Agriculture Research Station located at Isabela, Corozal, Santa Isabel, and Adjuntas, Puerto Rico (Latitude: 18°12'28"N, 18°34'10'' N, 18°00'47''N, 18°16'35''N and Longitude: 67°08'17"W, 66°31'74'' W, 66°38'98''W, 66°72'32''W, respectively). Varieties Benjai, Gula Batu, Jitlee, R-134, R-156Y, R-162, R-167 and Rongren were sampled. Necrotic spots and leaf blight were commonly observed with a disease incidence of 80%. Diseased leaves showed necrosis starting from the apex and spreading through the lamina. Ten diseased leaves were collected from each location and sections of symptomatic tissue (5mm2) were disinfected and plated on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and oatmeal agar (OA). Two representative isolates of Diaporthe tulliensis, A3 and A4, were obtained, purified, and identified morphologically and by PCR amplifications of three nuclear genes of the Internal Transcribed Spacer ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA primers ITS5/ITS4, portions of the β tubulin (BT) primers Bt2a/Bt2b and the translation elongation factor 1-α (TEF1-α) primers EF1728F/EF1986R. On PDA and OA colonies of isolates A3 and A4 were initially white and flat with sparse mycelia that turned yellowish-white to grey with age. Pycnidia were black with cream to pale yellow conidial droplets that exuded from ostioles. Hyaline, unicellular alpha conidia were oval to cylindrical, rounded at apex and obconically truncate at base. Alpha conidia (n = 50) for isolates of D. tulliensis were 4.9 to 5.9 μm long by 2.2 - 2.5 μm wide. DNA sequences of the ITS region and partial sequences of TEF1-α and BT genes were compared by BLASTN with Diaporthe sequences deposited in GenBank. ITS, BT and EF1-α sequences of isolates A3 and A4 (OP219651 and OP161553 for ITS region; OP222137 and OP168832 for TEF1-α; OP222136 and OP168831 for BT, respectively) were grouped to the holotype BRIP 62248a (Bootstrap BS=100) of Diaporthe tulliensis R.G. Shivas, Vawdrey & Y.P. Tan. Pathogenicity tests were conducted on six of six-months-old rambutan seedlings of R-167 variety. Three unwounded healthy non-detached leaves were inoculated per isolate with one 5mm mycelial disk from pure cultures grown on PDA. Rambutan seedlings were kept in a humid chamber using plastic bags for 8 days under greenhouse conditions. Two of six seedlings were used as controls and inoculated with PDA disks only. Eight and 14 days after inoculation (DAI), D. tulliensis isolates caused necrotic spots and leaf blight, on leaves. Diseased leaves turned from light to dark brown starting from the apex and spreading through the lamina with necrotic lesions ranging in size from 5 - 10 mm. Untreated controls showed no symptoms, and no fungi were re-isolated from tissue. D. tulliensis was re-isolated from diseased leaves, fulfilling Koch's postulates. D. tulliensis has been reported in Taiwan causing Diaporthe leaf spot in Boston Ivy (Huang, C. et al., 2021) and Bodhi trees (Li, K.Y. et al., 2022), as well as Jasmin stem canker (Ching Hsu, C. et al., 2022). It has been reported as causing leaf blight of coffee (Gong, J. L., et al., 2019), kiwifruit stem canker in China (Bai et al., 2017), and most recently causing cacao pod rot in Puerto Rico (Serrato-Diaz, L.M. et al., 2022). To our knowledge, this is the first report of Diaporthe tulliensis causing necrotic spots and leaf light on rambutan in Puerto Rico and often associated with a potassium deficiency in many parts of the world. It will be important to establish an adequate and effective control management of this disease in rambutan producing countries worldwide. References and doi hyperlinks: 1. Huang, C. et al. Plant Dis. 105:2718, 2021 2. Li, K.Y. et al. Plant Dis. 0:ja, 2022 3. Ching Hsu, C. et al. Plant Dis. 0:ja, 2022 4. Gong, J. L., et al. Plant Dis. 104:570, 2019 5. Bai et al. Plant Dis. 101:508, 2017 6. Serrato-Diaz L.M., et al. 2015. Plant Dis. 99: 1187. 7. Serrato-Diaz L.M. et al. 2017. Plant Dis. 101: 1043. 8. Serrato-Diaz, L.M., et al. 2020. Plant Dis. 104: 105-115. 9. Serrato-Diaz, L.M. et al. 2022 Plant Dis. 106: 2530.