First report of Pseudomonas viridiflava causing fruit rot on sweet cherry trees in Chile

Francisca Beltrán,Francisco Correa,Zoe Moreno,Jaime Otarola,Boris Sagredo,Paz Millas
Abstract:Chile is an important producers of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.), with a total of 356,385 t exported in the 2021 to 2022 season. The production area includes most of the country's regions. Bacterial samples were isolated in 2017 and 2018 from 18 commercial sweet cherry orchards with canker disease. From one of this samples collected in the spring of 2018, was isolated the strain A2M176 from buds of trees that presented canker and gomosis in Malloa locality (34°23' 46'' S 71°01' 39'' W). The strain produced fluorescent pigment on King's B agar medium. Is oxidase and arginine dihydrolase negative, potato soft rot positive and showed a slight degree of tobacco hypersensitivity. It was able to growth up to 0.8 mM (200 ppm) of CuSO4·5H2O. The strain A2M176 was deposited in the Colección Chilena de Recursos Genéticos Microbianos (CChRGM) under the no. RGM 3342. The DNA of this strain was extracted from a pure culture using silica spin columns (Epoch Life Science Inc., Sugar Land, USA). The complete DNA was sequenced using HiSeq with 150 bp paired-end at GENEWIZ (New York, USA). Raw data was checked using FASTQC and trimmed with BBDuk. The genome was assembled using Unicycler v0.4.9 with defaulf settings and annotated with Prokaryotic Genome Annotation Pipeline (PGAP) v4.3. The reads and genomes were uploaded to GenBank under the BioProyect no. PRJNA750090, BioSample no. SAMN26870984 and assembly no. GCA_022936465.1. The sequenced genome was compared through Average Nucleotide Identity algorithm (ANI) using FastANI v1.33 to compare with closest complete genome available on NCBI. The strain A2M176 was identified as P. viridiflava with ANI value of 98.06% with the strain p22.E7 (GCF_900585495). Maximum likelihood phylogenetic estimation clustered strain A2M176 with other P. viridiflava strains with 95% bootstrap. The pathogenicity of the strain was tested inoculating immature cherry fruits with a needle with a bacterial suspension (1x108 CFU/ml). The inoculated fruits were placed at room temperature in a humid chamber for 10 d. Soft rot lesions were observed, which appeared at 6 days post-inoculation (DPI). The control fruits treated with sterile water did not show symptoms. Further analyses in the genome of strain A2M176 led to identify genes related to pathogenicity, such as the effector gene avrE and the regulator gen HrpL, suggesting the pathogenic capacity of the strain. Also, there were identify genes of two known Pseudomonas copper resistance mechanisms, the cus and cop operon. These genes were found part of the copABCDns cluster similar to what was observed in Pseudomonas from Mango. Presence of P. viridiflava strains causing fruit rot in P. avium is not surprising, since P. viridiflava has a wide host range and causes a variety of symptoms in different plant parts, including stems, leaves, and blossoms. P. viridiflava represents one of the multiple phylogroups found within the P. syringae species complex. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a strain of P. viridiflava copper resistant causing infection on sweet cherries in Chile.
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