Modulation Scheme Analysis for Low-Power Leadless Pacemaker Synchronization Based on Conductive Intracardiac Communication

Adrian Ryser,Tobias Schmid,Lukas Bereuter,Jurgen Burger,Tobias Reichlin,Thomas Niederhauser,Andreas Haeberlin
Abstract:Conductive intracardiac communication (CIC) has been demonstrated as a promising concept for the synchronization of multi-chamber leadless cardiac pacemakers (LLPMs). To meet the 2-5 μW power budget of a LLPM, highly specialized CIC-transceivers, which make optimal use of the cardiac communication channel, need to be developed. However, a detailed investigation of the optimal communication parameters for CIC-based LLPM synchronization is missing so far. This work analyzes the intracardiac communication performance of two low-power modulation techniques, namely On-Off-Keying (OOK) and Manchester-encoded baseband transmission (BB-MAN), as a function of the transmitted bit-energy. The bit error rate (BER) of a prototype dual-chamber LLPM was determined both in simulation and in-vitro experiments on porcine hearts. A BER of 1e -4 was achieved with a median bit-energy in the range of 3-16 pJ (interquartile range: 4-15 pJ) for data rates from 75-500 kbps and a receiver input noise density of 7 nV/ √{Hz}. Both modulation schemes showed comparable performance, with BB-MAN having a slight bit-energy advantage (1-2 dB at 150-500 kbps) under equalized transceiver characteristics. This study demonstrates that reliable CIC-based LLPM synchronization is feasible at transmitted power levels 10 nW under realistic channel conditions and receiver noise performance. Therefore, modulation techniques such, as BB-MAN or OOK, are preferable over recently proposed alternatives, such as pulse position modulation or conductive impulse signaling, since they can be realized with fewer hardware resources and smaller bandwidth requirements. Ultimately, a baseband communication approach might be favored over OOK, due to the more efficient cardiac signal transmission and reduced transceiver complexity.
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