Cosmological constraints from the cross-correlation of DESI Luminous Red Galaxies with CMB lensing from Planck PR4 and ACT DR6
Noah Sailer,Joshua Kim,Simone Ferraro,Mathew S. Madhavacheril,Martin White,Irene Abril-Cabezas,Jessica Nicole Aguilar,Steven Ahlen,J. Richard Bond,David Brooks,Etienne Burtin,Erminia Calabrese,Shi-Fan Chen,Steve K. Choi,Todd Claybaugh,Kyle Dawson,Axel de la Macorra,Joseph DeRose,Arjun Dey,Biprateep Dey,Peter Doel,Jo Dunkley,Carmen Embil-Villagra,Gerrit S. Farren,Andreu Font-Ribera,Jaime E. Forero-Romero,Enrique Gaztañaga,Vera Gluscevic,Satya Gontcho A Gontcho,Klaus Honscheid,Cullan Howlett,Stephanie Juneau,David Kirkby,Theodore Kisner,Anthony Kremin,Martin Landriau,Laurent Le Guillou,Michael Levi,Marc Manera,Aaron Meisner,Ramon Miquel,Kavilan Moodley,John Moustakas,Michael D. Niemack,Gustavo Niz,Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille,Will Percival,Francisco Prada,Frank J. Qu,Graziano Rossi,Eusebio Sanchez,Emmanuel Schaan,Edward Schlafly,David Schlegel,Michael Schubnell,Neelima Sehgal,Hee-Jong Seo,Blake Sherwin,Cristóbal Sifón,David Sprayberry,Suzanne T. Staggs,Gregory Tarlé,Benjamin Alan Weaver,Christophe Yèche,Rongpu Zhou,Hu Zou
Abstract:We infer the growth of large scale structure over the redshift range $0.4\lesssim z \lesssim 1$ from the cross-correlation of spectroscopically calibrated Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) selected from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) legacy imaging survey with CMB lensing maps reconstructed from the latest Planck and ACT data. We adopt a hybrid effective field theory (HEFT) model that robustly regulates the cosmological information obtainable from smaller scales, such that our cosmological constraints are reliably derived from the (predominantly) linear regime. We perform an extensive set of bandpower- and parameter-level systematics checks to ensure the robustness of our results and to characterize the uniformity of the LRG sample. We demonstrate that our results are stable to a wide range of modeling assumptions, finding excellent agreement with a linear theory analysis performed on a restricted range of scales. From a tomographic analysis of the four LRG photometric redshift bins we find that the rate of structure growth is consistent with $\Lambda$CDM with an overall amplitude that is $\simeq5-7\%$ lower than predicted by primary CMB measurements with modest $(\sim2\sigma)$ statistical significance. From the combined analysis of all four bins and their cross-correlations with Planck we obtain $S_8 = 0.765\pm0.023$, which is less discrepant with primary CMB measurements than previous DESI LRG cross Planck CMB lensing results. From the cross-correlation with ACT we obtain $S_8 = 0.790^{+0.024}_{-0.027}$, while when jointly analyzing Planck and ACT we find $S_8 = 0.775^{+0.019}_{-0.022}$ from our data alone and $\sigma_8 = 0.772^{+0.020}_{-0.023}$ with the addition of BAO data. These constraints are consistent with the latest Planck primary CMB analyses at the $\simeq 1.6-2.2\sigma$ level, and are in excellent agreement with galaxy lensing surveys.
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics