Data-driven Discovery of Chemotactic Migration of Bacteria via Machine Learning
Yorgos M. Psarellis,Seungjoon Lee,Tapomoy Bhattacharjee,Sujit S. Datta,Juan M. Bello-Rivas,Ioannis G. Kevrekidis
Quantitative Methods
Abstract:E. coli chemotactic motion in the presence of a chemoattractant field has been extensively studied using wet laboratory experiments, stochastic computational models as well as partial differential equation-based models (PDEs). The most challenging step in bridging these approaches, is establishing a closed form of the so-called chemotactic term, which describes how bacteria bias their motion up chemonutrient concentration gradients, as a result of a cascade of biochemical processes. Data-driven models can be used to learn the entire evolution operator of the chemotactic PDEs (black box models), or, in a more targeted fashion, to learn just the chemotactic term (gray box models). In this work, data-driven Machine Learning approaches for learning the underlying model PDEs are (a) validated through the use of simulation data from established continuum models and (b) used to infer chemotactic PDEs from experimental data. Even when the data at hand are sparse (coarse in space and/or time), noisy (due to inherent stochasticity in measurements) or partial (e.g. lack of measurements of the associated chemoattractant field), we can attempt to learn the right-hand-side of a closed PDE for an evolving bacterial density. In fact we show that data-driven PDEs including a short history of the bacterial density field (e.g. in the form of higher-order in time PDEs in terms of the measurable bacterial density) can be successful in predicting further bacterial density evolution, and even possibly recovering estimates of the unmeasured chemonutrient field. The main tool in this effort is the effective low-dimensionality of the dynamics (in the spirit of the Whitney and Takens embedding theorems). The resulting data-driven PDE can then be simulated to reproduce/predict computational or experimental bacterial density profile data, and estimate the underlying (unmeasured) chemonutrient field evolution.