Lai Zheng
Abstract:Seven new species of Malcus are described in this paper. Tpye specimens aredeposited in the Biology Department of Nankai University except otherwise mention-ed. Malcus arcuatus, sp. nov. Head, band-like pronotal callar region, median line on posterior pronotal lobe andscutellum black; pronotum dark brown; hemelytral membrane blackish-brown, mottled,apical margin yellowish white. Head and pronotum with erect hairs. Pronotum ratherdistinctly declivent, posterior lobe with an indistinct median line, its posterior endnot terminated into a tubercle, lateral angle flat, posterior pronotal outline as shownin fig. 1. Fifth to seventh abdominal laterotergites as shown in fig. 8. Closely allied to M. idoneus Horv. and M. nigrescens Stys, but abdominal latero-tergites much wider, differently shaped, and pronotal median line black colored. Thisnew species also differs from M. mishi Stys in possessing erect hairs on head and pro-notum. Holotype paratypes 2 : Fujian. Malcus noduliferus, sp. nov. Large dark species. Head dark brown to black, pronotum rusty brown, weaklyshining, callar region dark brown to black, scutellup black, corium rusty brown, withbasal and apical portions yellowish brown, hemelytral membrane light greyish yellown,nearly entirely covered with fused blackish brown patches. Head and pronotumwithout erect hairs. Pronotum rather distinctly declivent, median line on posteriorlobe weak, terminated into a distinct tubercle, pronotal lateral angle distinctly raised,forming an oval hump, posterior pronotal outline as shown in fig. 2. The 5--7th abd.laterotergites as shown in fig. 9. Close to M. tuberculatus Stys and M. gibbus, sp. nov., the differences from theformer are: body larger, pronotal lateral angle more distinctly raised into an ovalhump, 7th abd. laterotergite usually triangular. From M. gibbus it may be distingui-shed by the distinct median tubercle on pronotal posterior margin. Holotype , allotype g: Yunnan (Kept in Tianjin Nat. Hist. Museum); paratypes2 , 2 : Guangdong, Yunnan. Malcus denticulatus, sp. nov. Head and pronotum concolor, reddish brown to dark brown, sometimes head, pro-notal callar region, median line and lateral angles darkened to blackish brown, scutel-lum black, clavus and corium ochraceus, only the central portion of costal margindarkened, hemelytral membrane light grayish-brown, with some irregular elongate dark spots. Head and pronotum with a few erect hairs, the directions of decumbent hairson pronotum irregular. Pronotal postorior lobe with distinct keeled median line, itsterminal end only slightly heaves up, lateral angle strongly raised, forming a roundhump, with 4-5 teeth on its outer margin, of which the posterior 3 ones big. Posteriorpronotal, outline as shown in fig. 3. The 5--7th abd. laterotergites as shown in fig. 10. Allied to M. elevatus, sp. nov., but pronotal lateral angle more strongly raised andthe 7th abd. laterotergite differently shaped. Holotype : Sichuan; allotype : Fujian; paratypes 3, 3: Fujian, Jiangxi,Sichuan. Malcus elevatus, sp. nov. Head, pronotal posterior lobe, clavus and discal portion of corium rusty brown,callar region and mediall line of pronotum blackish brown, the light colored basaland apical portions of corium in sharp contrast with the dark colored disc, hemelytralmembrane blackish brown, with some grayish round spots showing bluish tint. Headwith distinct erect hairs on forwardly directing tubercles. Pronotum resembles that ofM. denticulatus, sp. nov., with very few short erect and semi-erect hairs on anteriorlobe, decumbent hairs on posterior lobe irregular in directions, median line structurelyindistinct, lateral angle raised forming an oval hump, which smaller than that of M.denticulatus, its outer margin with 3 triangular teeth. Posterior pronotal outline asshown in fig. 4. The 5--7th abd. laterotergites as shown in fig. 11. Closely resembles M. denticulatus, sp. nov., differs in pronotal lateral angle and itsprotuberance, pubescence, coloration and the abdominal laterotergites. Holotype paratype : Guangxi. Malcus gibbus, sp. nov. Body light