[Laparoscopic ureteral substitution: ileocalicostomy combined with psoas hitch]

A D Kochkin,A V Knutov,F A Sevryukov
Abstract:A 50-year-old female presented to our department of urology with nephrostomy drain in the right kidney been placed because of an acute obstructive pyelonephritis. Nephrostogram revealed an intra-renal pelvis with no passage of contrast into the ureter. Retrograde pyelography identified the extended ureteric stricture and need for a substitution. Laparoscopic ileocalicostomy was performed to achieve a communication between the lower calyx and bladder. Video describing surgical technique is available on https://youtu.be/bIW_m3lwXWY. Due to thick and full-blooded renal parenchyma, a partial nephrectomy of the lower pole had to perform to get an access to the renal calyx. It took 25 min of warm ischemia. At that, sutures of renorrhaphy should have provided reliable hemostasis on the one hand, and free outflow of urine via an isolated calyx on the other. To reduce the length of ileoureter a bladder psoas hitch maneuver was used. A 25-cm-long segment of ileum was isolated and rotated in isoperistaltic manner. Double J stent was held through it. Ileocalicostomy by interrupted and ileovesicostomy by continuous sutures were performed one after another. There were no intraop complications. OR time - 300min. EBL - 200ml. Postoperative course was uneventful. Ten days after surgery, nephrostogram and cystography confirmed the patency of the neoureter and the tightness of both anastomoses. Nephrostomy drain was removed first, ureteral - one day after. "JJ" stood for 3 weeks. The patient is doing well at more than 12 months of follow-up with a stable renal and ileoureteral function. In comparison with open procedure our surgery is significantly less invasive, per contra robotic - not so expensive. As far as we known, this is the first case report of conventional laparoscopic intracorporeal ileocalicostomy with long-term good functional results demonstration.
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