Static and Dynamic Factors Associated With Extended Depth of Focus in Monofocal Intraocular Lenses

Karolinne Maia Rocha,Larissa Gouvea,George Oral Waring 4th,Jorge Haddad
Abstract:Purpose: To analyze factors affecting depth of focus (DOF) and near vision functionality in eyes implanted with aspheric monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs). Methods: This prospective study included 111 eyes of 74 patients that underwent phacoemulsification with monofocal IOL implantation. Ninety-one normal eyes were randomized to receive aberration-free (n = 30) or negative-spherical aberration (SA) IOLs (n = 61). Twenty post-hyperopic femto-LASIK eyes received aberration-free IOLs. Corneal higher-order aberrations (SA, coma, trefoil, and corneal asphericity) for a 6 mm pupil were measured by Scheimpflug tomography. Ray-tracing metrics (visual Strehl optical transfer function [VSOTF], effective range of focus [EROF], sphere shift [SS], EROF-SS), pupil size measurements at far and near, and ocular and corneal SA were obtained using ray-tracing aberrometry. Distance-corrected near visual acuity (DCNVA) and subjective defocus curves up to ±4.0 diopters were evaluated. Results: Multivariable logistic regression found corneal profile and IOL type to be determinants of extended DOF with monofocal IOLs. The aberration-free IOL group showed significantly better DCNVA and higher total SA than the negative-SA group. Post-hyperopic LASIK eyes showed significantly better DCNVA; higher negative SA, coma, and Q value (P < .05), and smaller pupil size (P = .05) than normal eyes implanted with aberration-free IOLs. Conclusion: Corneal profile and type of IOL implanted were the most important factors influencing near vision functionality with aspheric monofocal IOLs. Higher positive SA in the aberration-free group potentially led to better DCNVA than the negative-SA group in normal eyes. Hyperprolate corneas had better DOF curves and DCNVA than normal corneas. NOTE: Publication of this article is sponsored by the American Ophthalmological Society.
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