Yunping Wang,C. Lung,Peng-gi Tang
Abstract:1. Woolly apple aphis infests the apple and causes considerable injuries to the trees in China.In this paper the writers report on the results of the investigations, carried out in 1953-56, onthe bionomics and the utilization of Aphelinus mali, especially on the ways of increasing itsvitality by means of hybridization. 2. Aphelinus mali overwinters in the full-grown larval stage within hardened body of itshost at Tsingtao, Shantung Province. Low temperature, the absolute low temperature there reach-ed as low as --12℃. in 1954 caused litlle winter mortality of the parasite in Tsingtao and thepercentage of the emergence of adult was as high as 85% as usual. The pupae appeared in thelate part of March of the next spring as the temperature of the ten-day average reached 6°to7℃. The first adult from overwintering materials emerged in the middle of April as the tem-perature of ten-day average reathed 11℃. The lowest temperature at which the adults emergedfrom the overwintering larvae kept under the various temperatures was about 10°±1℃. whichwas lower than the figure given by other authors, for example 12°-- 13℃. as reported by Borgin Sweden. 3. There are about 10--12 generations annually, 13 generations in maximum and 9 genera-tions in minimum. The duration of life-cycle of the parasite varies from the different periodsand the main influencing factor is the temperature during the development period of the parasites.One of the longest generation is the overwintering generation which lasts 184 days. Whereas theshortest one lasts about 7 days only in the middle part of August. The optimal temperatures forits development are between 22°to 27℃.; the most favorable humidity range is from 80 to90 per cent. Both are higher than that required by the woolly apple aphis for outbreaks, vtz.16.5°to 22℃. and 60 to 70 per cent. 4. Aphelinus mali had been reported by other authors as parasitizing about twenty differentkinds of aphids, but in Tsingtao it parasitizes mainly the woolly apple aphis in field conditionand just a few of them parasitize in the woolly aphis on Populus canadensis. The female adultsseem to prefer to oviposit in those aphids which have a layer of while wax and are sluggish inmovement, and therefore not only with possess black color as mentioned in the literatures. The adults survived longest in the laboratory (up to 41 days) with access to molasses. Thesex ratio was variable, though females were always more numerous than males, the unfertilisedfemales giving rise to males only. 5. The number of egg-laying by single female adult varies with different temperatures. Thereseems to be more egg-laying in the reasonable high temperature, such as in 1954, the numberof egg-laying per female at the different room temperature is as follows: at 16.3℃., 19℃.,23.3℃., 24.2℃. and 26℃. are 10, 17, 32.4, 58.5 and 21.eggs, respectively; and in 1955 at 19℃.,21℃., 24.3℃., 26.2℃. and 28.4℃.,are 22.7, 29, 44.5, 51 and 28 eggs, respectively. However, the relative humidity seems not so significant as the temperature, but under the high tempera-ture and high humidity condition the adult died more quickly and depoisited less eggs thanusual. The different size of the individual also shows its different number of egg-laying and thebigger one always lay more than the smaller. In Tsingtao, an individaul female deposits amaximum of 108 eggs under laboratory conditions. 6. In Tsingtao region, the parasite have difficulty to get full control of the host pestthroughout the whole season. This is thought to be due to three causes: (1). the low repro-ductive capacity of the local parasite, and especially the adverse effect of low temperature in bothspring and autumn restricted the activity of egg-laying of the adult parasite and the developmentof larval parasite. And in contrast to the host, the pest fares very well under these conditions. (2).the parasite emerges too early in the spring before the woolly apple aphis has become abundant.(3). a large part of the adult parasites died because of shortage of host for oviposition in thespr
Environmental Science,Biology
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