Current tendencies in implementation of biomedical technologies in sports medicine practice
O. Maslova,S. Futornyi,I. Lukasevich,L. Bohdanovich,S. Lysyuk,T. Knysh
Abstract:Positive trends in the development of medical and technological sciences are associated with an increase in the costs of the health care system, which have increased in many countries over the last decade and, accordingly, increased the cost of medical care, the purchase of modern medical equipment, the introduction of pharmacological treatments, etc. This caused a significant increase in investments in research and implementation of developments in the latest promising medical and technological directions, for example, such as information medical technologies. In developed countries, where the total "consumption of medical devices" is tens of billions of dollars per year, the costs of medical information technology reach 10-15 percent of the total costs of the health care system. Over the last decade, this indicator has more than doubled, which equated it with the amount of investments in medical products, including in the practice of sports medicine. The purpose of the research is to determine the directions of introduction of biomedical technologies into the practice of modern sports medicine. Research materials and methods: analysis and generalization of data from special scientific and methodical literature; monitoring of Internet information resources; systematization method; content analysis. The results. It was determined that the current trends and development directions of the application of biomedical engineering in the practice of sports medicine are the development of the latest biomedical devices and technologies to improve the effectiveness of training and preserve the health of athletes; using artificial intelligence to analyze large volumes of data and improve the training process; to create personalized training programs and adapt to the individual needs of athletes; development of professional prostheses and exoskeletons for persons with limited mobility. Conclusions. It has been established that simultaneously with the differentiation of sciences, their increasing specialization on traditional boundaries, new interdisciplinary directions appear, which become bridges of mutual penetration of different areas of knowledge in the name of universal human progress. Medical and technical sciences, such as biomedical cybernetics, bionics, biomechanics and others, are also an example of the interpenetration of medical and technical sciences for the purpose of learning the nature of health, human diseases, understanding the mechanisms of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of body injuries, including in the practice of sports of medicine.