Weyl semimetallic, Néel, spiral, and vortex states in the Rashba-Hubbard model

Sebastião dos Anjos Sousa-Júnior,Rubem Mondaini
Abstract:We investigate the evolution of magnetic phases in the Hubbard model under strong Rashba spin-orbit coupling on a square lattice. By using Lanczos exact diagonalization and determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulations, we explore the emergence of various magnetic alignments as the ratio between the regular hopping amplitude, $t$, and the Rashba hopping term, $t_R$, is varied over a broad range of Hubbard interaction strengths, $U$. In the limit $t_R \rightarrow 0$, the system exhibits Néel antiferromagnetic order, while when $t \sim t_R$, a spiral magnetic phase emerges due to the induced anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. For $t_R > t$, we identify the onset of a spin vortex phase. At the extreme limit $t = 0$($t_R \neq 0 $), we perform finite-size scaling analysis in the Weyl semimetal regime to pinpoint the quantum critical point associated with the spin vortex phase, employing sign-free quantum Monte Carlo simulations - the extracted critical exponents are consistent with a Gross-Neveu-type quantum phase transition.
Strongly Correlated Electrons
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problem that this paper attempts to solve is to study the evolution of magnetic phases in the Hubbard model under the effect of strong Rashba spin - orbit coupling (RSOC). Specifically, by changing the ratio between the conventional hopping amplitude \(t\) and the Rashba hopping term \(t_R\), and within a wide range of Hubbard interaction strength \(U\), the authors explored the emergence of different magnetic arrangements. ### Main problems 1. **Néel antiferromagnetic order**: When \(t_R\rightarrow0\), the system exhibits Néel antiferromagnetic order. 2. **Helimagnetic phase**: When \(t\sim t_R\), due to the induced anisotropic Dzyaloshinskii - Moriya interaction (DMI), the helimagnetic phase appears. 3. **Skyrmion - vortex phase**: When \(t_R > t\), the skyrmion - vortex phase begins to emerge. 4. **Weyl semimetal phase**: In the extreme case of \(t = 0\) (\(t_R\neq0\)), the system enters the Weyl semimetal phase, and the quantum critical point related to the skyrmion - vortex phase is determined through finite - size scaling analysis. ### Research methods The authors used two main methods to study these phenomena: 1. **Lanczos exact diagonalization**: Used for exact calculations on small - sized lattices. 2. **Determinant quantum Monte Carlo (DQMC) simulation**: Used to handle larger - sized lattices. Although there is a sign problem, it can still provide reliable results under certain conditions. ### Key findings - Under different ratios of \(t_R/t\), the system undergoes a transition from Néel antiferromagnetic order to helimagnetic phase and then to skyrmion - vortex phase. - In the pure Rashba hopping limit (\(t = 0\), \(t_R\neq0\)), the system transitions from the Weyl semimetal phase to the skyrmion - vortex phase, and the critical exponent is consistent with the Gross - Neveu - type quantum phase transition. - Through finite - size scaling analysis, the authors determined the critical points and critical exponents between different magnetic phases. ### Significance This study reveals the complexity of magnetic behavior under the combined effect of strong spin - orbit coupling and Coulomb interaction, providing important insights for understanding magnetism in a wide range of materials with these two effects. In addition, the research results are helpful for exploring the relationship between topological properties and strong interactions, especially in systems with significant spin - orbit coupling. ### Formula representation The key formulas involved in the paper include: 1. **Hamiltonian**: \[ \hat{H}=-t\sum_{\langle i,j\rangle,\sigma}(\hat{c}_{i,\sigma}^{\dagger}\hat{c}_{j,\sigma}+\text{H.c.})+U\sum_{i}\hat{n}_{i,\uparrow}\hat{n}_{i,\downarrow}-it_R\sum_{\langle i,j\rangle,\sigma,\sigma'}\hat{c}_{i,\sigma}^{\dagger}(d_{i,j}\times\hat{\sigma})_{\sigma,\sigma'}^z\hat{c}_{j,\sigma'} \] 2. **Spin structure factor**: \[ S_{\alpha\beta}(i,j)=\langle\hat{S}_{\alpha}^i\hat{S}_{\beta}^j\rangle \] \[ S_{\alpha\alpha}(q)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i,j}e^{-iq\cdot d_{i,j}}S_{\alpha\alpha}(i,j) \] 3. **Correlation ratio**: \[ R(L) = 1-\frac{S(q + \delta q)}{S(q)}