Host mechanisms which act to remove bacteria from the blood stream.

D. E. Rogers
Bacteriological Reviews
Abstract:The body possesses remarkably efficient mechanisms for sterilizing the blood stream. Contrary to popular belief, most microorganisms are less capable of provoking disease when injected intravenouslty than when admi'nistered by an'y other route (1, 2). With rare exceptions, living bacteria which enter the blood stream of animals or man disappear swiftly from the circulation. In the 73 years which have elapsed since the initial observations of Wyssokowitsch (3), the events which follow intravascular injections of bacteria have received extensive investigation. Studies on the intravascular behavior of different microorganisms or particulate substances which may mimic bacteria in their initial host management in the circulation have aided in clarifying certain aspects of the blood stream clearance process. Although bacteremia can be profoundly modified by humoral immunity, initial host mechanisms acting to clear the blood stream are probably not dependent on prior experience with the invading microorganism. It is thus proper that the ways in which animals and man handle bacteria which enter the blood stream be included in this symposium on nonspecific host resistance. It is the purpose of this paper to review what is known of the dynamics of blood stream clearance, the host tissues which participate in the removal of circulating microorganisms, the fate of bacteria lodged in organs which retain them, and the circumstances which may augment, or interfere with, host mechanisms dealing with bacteria which invade the blood stream.
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