The sandpile model on the complete split graph: $q,t$-Schröder polynomials, sawtooth polyominoes, and a cyclic lemma
Henri Derycke,Mark Dukes,Yvan Le Borgne
Abstract:This paper builds on work initiated in Dukes (2021) that considered the classification of recurrent configurations of the Abelian sandpile model on the complete split graph. We introduce two statistics, wtopple$_{CTI}$ and wtopple$_{ITC}$, on sorted recurrent configurations. These statistics arise from two natural but different toppling conventions, CTI and ITC, for Dhar's burning algorithm as it is applied to the complete split graph. In addition, we introduce the bivariate $q,t$-CTI and $q,t$-ITC polynomials that are the generating functions of the bistatistics (height,wtopple$_{ITC}$) and (height,wtopple$_{CTI}$) on the sorted recurrent configurations.
We prove that a modification of the bijection given in Dukes (2021) from sorted recurrent configurations to Schröder paths maps the bistatistic (height,wtopple$_{ITC}$) to the bistatistic (area,bounce). The generating function of the bistatistic (area,bounce) on Schröder paths is known in the literature as the $q,t$-Schröder polynomial and was introduced by Egge, Haglund, Killpatrick and Kremer (2003). This connection allows us to relate the $q,t$-ITC polynomial to the theory of symmetric functions and also establishes symmetry of the $q,t$-ITC polynomials.
We also give a characterization of the sorted recurrent configurations as a new class of polyominoes that we call $sawtooth$ $polyominoes$. The CTI and ITC topplings processes on sorted recurrent configurations are proven to correspond to two bounce paths from one side of the sawtooth polyomino to the other. Moreover, and building on the results of Aval et al. (2016), we present a cyclic lemma for a slight extension of stable configurations that allows for an enumeration of sorted recurrent configurations within the framework of the sandpile model. Finally, we conjecture equality of the $q,t$-CTI and $q,t$-ITC polynomials.