Some statistics about Tropical Sandpile Model
Nikita Kalinin,Yulieth Prieto
Abstract:Tropical sandpile model (or linearized sandpile model) is the only known continuous geometric model exhibiting self-organised criticality. This model represents the scaling limit behavior of a small perturbation of the maximal stable sandpile state on a big subset of $\mathbb Z^2$. Given a set $P$ of points in a compact convex domain $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^2$ this linearized model produces a tropical polynomial $G_P{\bf 0}_\Omega$.
Here we present some quantitative statistical characteristics of this model and some speculative explanations. Namely, we study the dependence between the number $n$ of randomly dropped points $P=\{p_1,\dots,p_n\}\subset[0,1]^2=\Omega$ and the degree of the tropical polynomial $G_{P}{\bf 0}_\Omega$. We also study the distributions of the coefficients of $G_{P}{\bf 0}_\Omega$ and the correlation between them. This paper's main (experimental) result is that the tropical curve $C(G_{P}{\bf 0}_\Omega)$ defined by $G_{P}{\bf 0}_\Omega$ is a small perturbation of the standard square grid lines. This explains a previously known fact that most of the edges of the tropical curve $C(G_{P}{\bf 0}_\Omega)$ are of directions $(1,0),(0,1),(1,1),(-1,1)$.
The main theoretical result is that $C(G_{P}{\bf 0}_\Omega)\setminus (P\cap \partial\Omega)$, i.e. the tropical curve in $\Omega^\circ$ with marked points $P$ removed, is a tree.
Combinatorics,Dynamical Systems