Abstract:People increasingly use digital platforms to exchange resources in accordance to some policies stating what resources users offer and what they require in return. In this paper, we propose a formal model of these environments, focussing on how users' policies are defined and enforced, so ensuring that malicious users cannot take advantage of honest ones. To that end, we introduce the declarative policy language MuAC and equip it with a formal semantics. To determine if a resource exchange is fair, i.e., if it respects the MuAC policies in force, we introduce the non-standard logic MuACL that combines non-linear, linear and contractual aspects, and prove it decidable. Notably, the operator for contractual implication of MuACL is not expressible in linear logic. We define a semantics preserving compilation of MuAC policies into MuACL, thus establishing that exchange fairness is reduced to finding a proof in MuACL. Finally, we show how this approach can be put to work on a blockchain to exchange non-fungible tokens.
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The problem that this paper attempts to solve is: on digital platforms, when users exchange resources among themselves, how to ensure that these exchanges are fair and prevent malicious users from taking advantage of honest users. Specifically, the author proposes a formal model to describe these environments, focusing on the definition and enforcement of user policies to ensure that malicious users cannot deceive honest users.
### Main problems and goals of the paper
1. **Ensure that user requests and expectations match**:
- The platform needs to provide mechanisms for users to clearly define the resources they offer and the required return conditions (i.e., exchange policies).
- The platform must ensure that the proposed exchanges comply with all users' policies, thereby ensuring fairness.
2. **Ensure the correct execution of agreements**:
- Prevent malicious users from obtaining resources through improper means, which usually requires a trusted third party (TTP) to ensure fairness and resolve disputes.
### Overview of the solution
To solve the above problems, the paper makes the following main contributions:
1. **Formal model of the exchange environment**:
- A labeled transition system is defined to formally describe the behavior of the exchange platform. The state of the system records the ownership of resources, and transitions represent resource transfers.
2. **Declarative access control language MuAC**:
- A Datalog - like language MuAC is proposed, through which users can independently define their exchange policies. These policies stipulate under what conditions resources can be given to other users and what returns are expected.
3. **Non - standard logic MuACL**:
- A non - standard logic MuACL that combines linear and contractual reasoning is introduced to verify whether resource exchanges are fair. MuACL can handle consumable resources and cyclic protocols and prove its decidability.
4. **Blockchain implementation**:
- A blockchain - based smart contract implementation scheme is proposed, in which users can define policies and exchange non - fungible tokens (NFTs). This implementation also acts as a trusted third party to ensure fair resource exchanges.
### Example explanations
To better understand these problems, the paper provides several specific examples, such as:
- **Direct exchange**: Bob exchanges his light weapon (lw) for Carl's healing potion (hp).
- **I pay for you**: Bob pays for Alice's spell book (sb) on behalf of Carl, and Alice accepts Carl's healing potion (hp).
- **Cyclic exchange**: A complex exchange among Alice, Bob, and Carl, where each user gets the resources they want.
- **Resource supplier**: Even if a party does not have the required resources, an agreement can be reached through an intermediary.
These examples show how to ensure the fairness of exchanges through MuAC and MuACL and prevent unfair behaviors such as double - spending.
### Conclusion
In general, by introducing a formal exchange environment, a declarative policy language, and a non - standard logic, this paper provides a complete set of solutions aimed at ensuring the fairness and security of resource exchanges on digital platforms.