Partial Resolutions of Affine Symplectic Singularities
Alberto San Miguel Malaney
Abstract:We explore the relationship between the Poisson deformation theory, birational geometry, and Springer theory of crepant partial resolutions of conical affine symplectic singularities. We show that given any crepant partial resolution $X'$, the Poisson deformation functor of $X'$ is prorepresentable and unobstructed. Additionally, we define a version of the Namikawa Weyl group $W_{X'}$ for partial resolutions, such that $W_{X'}$ is a parabolic subgroup of the Namikawa Weyl group $W_X$ determined by the birational geometry of $X'$, in particular by a face of a relative movable cone. If $Y$ is a Q-factorial terminalization which covers $X'$, we show there is a natural morphism from Poisson deformations of $Y$ to those of $X'$, and that this morphism is a Galois covering with Galois group $W_{X'}$, building on work of Namikawa. Finally, we put these partial resolutions and their universal deformations into the context of work of McGerty and Nevins, obtaining some preliminary results concerning their Springer theory.
Representation Theory