Detection of Electric Motor Damage Through Analysis of Sound Signals Using Bayesian Neural Networks

Waldemar Bauer,Marta Zagorowska,Jerzy Baranowski
Abstract:Fault monitoring and diagnostics are important to ensure reliability of electric motors. Efficient algorithms for fault detection improve reliability, yet development of cost-effective and reliable classifiers for diagnostics of equipment is challenging, in particular due to unavailability of well-balanced datasets, with signals from properly functioning equipment and those from faulty equipment. Thus, we propose to use a Bayesian neural network to detect and classify faults in electric motors, given its efficacy with imbalanced training data. The performance of the proposed network is demonstrated on real life signals, and a robustness analysis of the proposed solution is provided.
Audio and Speech Processing,Machine Learning,Sound
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
The main problems that this paper attempts to solve are the challenges in motor fault detection, especially how to effectively detect and classify motor faults in the case of unbalanced datasets. Specifically: 1. **Unbalanced Dataset Problem**: Collecting a balanced dataset containing signals from normally operating devices and faulty devices is a significant challenge. Since fault data is difficult to obtain in actual operations, the training data is unbalanced, which affects the performance of traditional classifiers. 2. **Efficient and Reliable Fault Detection Algorithm**: Developing a cost - effective and reliable fault - detection classifier remains an unsolved problem. Existing methods are not effective in dealing with unbalanced data, and a more robust method is required to improve the accuracy of fault detection. To solve these problems, the author proposes a method based on Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs), taking advantage of its superiority in handling unbalanced data. The specific contributions are as follows: - **Frequency - Domain Signal Representation**: A frequency - domain - based acoustic signal representation method for damage detection is proposed. - **BNN Structure Design and Analysis**: A Bayesian neural network structure for damage detection is designed and analyzed. Through these methods, the author aims to improve the accuracy and reliability of motor fault detection, especially in the case of unbalanced data. The experimental results show that the proposed BNN method achieves 100% accuracy in detecting faulty devices and approximately 70% accuracy in identifying normal devices. ### Formula Display The formulas involved in the paper include: 1. **Loss Function of Traditional Neural Networks**: \[ L(D, W)=\sum_{i}(y_{i}-f(x_{i}, w))^{2}+\lambda\sum_{d}w_{d}^{2} \] 2. **Log - Likelihood Function of Bayesian Neural Networks**: \[ \log p(D, w)=\sum_{i}\log N(y_{i}|f(x_{i}, w), I)+\sum_{d}\log N(w_{d}|0,\frac{1}{\lambda}) \] 3. **Posterior Distribution Calculation**: \[ p(w|D)=\frac{p(D|w)p(w)}{\int p(D|w')p(w')dw'} \] 4. **Posterior Predictive Distribution**: \[ p(\hat{y}(x)|D)=\int p(\hat{y}(x)|w)p(w|D)dw = \mathbb{E}_{p(w|D)}[p(\hat{y}(x)|w)] \] These formulas show how Bayesian neural networks handle weights through probability distributions to better deal with uncertainty problems.