Large cliques in extremal incidence configurations
Tuomas Orponen,Guangzeng Yi
Abstract:Let $P \subset \mathbb{R}^{2}$ be a Katz-Tao $(\delta,s)$-set, and let
$\mathcal{L}$ be a Katz-Tao $(\delta,t)$-set of lines in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. A
recent result of Fu and Ren gives a sharp upper bound for the $\delta$-covering
number of the set of incidences $\mathcal{I}(P,\mathcal{L}) = \{(p,\ell) \in P
\times \mathcal{L} : p \in \ell\}$. In fact, for $s,t \in (0,1]$, $$
|\mathcal{I}(P,\mathcal{L})|_{\delta} \lesssim_{\epsilon} \delta^{-\epsilon
-f(s,t)}, \qquad \epsilon > 0,$$ where $f(s,t) = (s^{2} + st + t^{2})/(s + t)$.
For $s,t \in (0,1]$, we characterise the near-extremal configurations $P \times
\mathcal{L}$ of this inequality: we show that if
$|\mathcal{I}(P,\mathcal{L})|_{\delta} \approx \delta^{-f(s,t)}$, then $P
\times \mathcal{L}$ contains "cliques" $P' \times \mathcal{L}'$ satisfying
$|\mathcal{I}(P',\mathcal{L}')|_{\delta} \approx
|P'|_{\delta}|\mathcal{L}'|_{\delta}$, $$|P'|_{\delta} \approx
\delta^{-s^{2}/(s + t)} \quad \text{and} \quad |\mathcal{L}'|_{\delta} \approx
\delta^{-t^{2}/(s + t)}.$$
Classical Analysis and ODEs,Combinatorics