Scaling results for charged sectors of near conformal QCD
Jahmall Bersini,Alessandra D'Alise,Clelia Gambardella,and Francesco Sannino
IF: 5.407
Physical Review D
Abstract:We provide the leading near conformal corrections on a cylinder to the scaling dimension of the lowest-lying fixed isospin charge Q operators defined at the lower boundary of the quantum chromodynamics conformal window, Δ ̃Q=Δ ̃Q*+(mσ4πν)2QΔ3B1+(mπ(θ)4πν)4Q23(1−γ)B2+O(mσ4,mπ8,mσ2mπ4). Here, Δ ̃Q/r is the classical ground state energy of the theory on R×Sr3 at fixed isospin charge while Δ ̃Q* is the scaling dimension at the leading order in the large charge expansion. In the conformal limit mσ=mπ=0 , the state-operator correspondence implies Δ ̃Q=Δ ̃Q* . The near-conformal corrections are expressed in powers of the dilaton and pion masses in units of the chiral symmetry breaking scale 4πν with the θ -angle dependence encoded directly in the pion mass. The characteristic Q -scaling is dictated by the quark mass operator anomalous dimension γ and the one characterizing the dilaton potential Δ . The coefficients Bi with i=1,2 depend on the geometry of the cylinder and properties of the nearby conformal field theory. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP 3 . Published by the American Physical Society
astronomy & astrophysics,physics, particles & fields